Leflar / Leflar Jr | Change Management for Risk Professionals | Buch | 978-0-367-71138-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 176 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 259 g

Leflar / Leflar Jr

Change Management for Risk Professionals

Buch, Englisch, 176 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 259 g

ISBN: 978-0-367-71138-2
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd (Sales)

Change Management for Risk Professionals addresses a need in the marketplace for risk professionals to learn about change management. Organizations exist within a complex and changing environment. The changes within the organizational context (e.g., societal, technological, and customer preferences) place pressure upon the organization to remain relevant and competitive. Change is not inherently wrong; our perceptions of the change make it negative or positive. A perceived negative change can become a real opportunity for improvement if desired. Systemic degradation and irrelevancy are the results of an organization that fails to acknowledge the reality of change.

The book focuses on the dynamics of change management with an eye toward the risk professional. There is a real need for an uncomplicated resource that helps educate non-change management professionals involved in risk-oriented change initiatives. Examples of risk disciplines are organizational resilience, business continuity, risk management, crisis management, and security management, but any discipline or function within an organization focuses on risk. Any organizational project is an initiative requiring dynamic change management skills.

The author brings his extensive experience to offer risk practitioners advice, industry examples, and best practices to the change management process. Change Management for Risk Professionals will be a welcome addition to enterprise-wide business continuity, crisis management, disaster recovery, security management, and homeland security professionals wanting to learn the secrets to becoming successful in initiating organizational change.
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Academic, Professional, and Professional Practice & Development

Weitere Infos & Material


List of Figures xiii

Preface xv

Acknowledgments xvii

Author xix

Organization of the Book xxi

Part 1

1 Change Management 3

2 Strategic and Tactical Considerations of Change 23

3 Resistance to Change 47

Part 2

4 Leadership Involvement: Change Leadership 61

5 Practical Organizational Considerations 73

Part 3

6 After the Change 95

7 Final Thoughts 109

Appendix A

Change Management Project Checklist 113

Change Project Considerations 113

Appendix B

Scenario Exercise: Physical Security Surveillance

System Project 119

Project Scenario 119

Change Initiative Plan – Issues to Consider 120

Appendix C

Scenario Exercise: Business Continuity Program

Development Project 129

Project Scenario 129

Change Initiative Plan – Issues to Consider 130

Appendix D

Suggested Further Research and Readings 141

Professional Organizations 141

ASIS International 141

Association of Change Management Professionals 142

Index 143

Dr. James J. Leflar, Jr, DM, CPP, MBCP Dr. Leflar holds a master's degree in criminal justice and a doctorate in management with a concentration in organizational development and change. He holds board certifications through ASIS International as a Certified Protection Professional (CPP) – advanced security management, and through the Disaster Recovery Institute International, Master Business Continuity Professional (MBCP) – master’s level advanced certification in business continuity.

Dr. Leflar is an active delegate to the U.S. Technical Advisory Group, ISO TC 292, for Security and Resilience. He is also a member and former chair of the ASIS International Crisis Management and Business Continuity Council. Dr. Leflar is a subject matter expert for Booz Allen Hamilton’s Business Continuity Program Office and an adjunct professor at Saint Leo University, teaching criminal justice and public safety courses. As a thought leader of organizational resilience, Dr. Leflar has authored numerous documents on risk to include his co-authored book Organizational Resilience: Managing the Risks of Disruptive Events – A Practitioner’s Guide. His research interests focus on organizational resilience, business continuity, risk management, crisis management, and change management.

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