Dixon / James / Sherman | Dryland Management | Buch | 978-1-84407-963-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 292 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 721 g

Reihe: Environmental and Resource Economics Set

Dixon / James / Sherman

Dryland Management

Economic Case Studies

Buch, Englisch, 292 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 721 g

Reihe: Environmental and Resource Economics Set

ISBN: 978-1-84407-963-6
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

Drylands are a sizeable part of the world's potentially arable land. They vary from the hyper-arid regions of the classic deserts of Africa and Asia to the more common semi-arid and sub-humid areas that support extensive
agricultural systems dependent on rainfall or irrigation.

Following their successful and innovative work The Economics of Dryland Management the editors have assembled twenty case studies from nine countries in the continents of Africa, Asia, North America and Australia. They help to explore more fully the costs of land degradation and illustrate the economics of reclamation, rehabilitation and prevention. The cases in this book present a rich, varied and readable survey of a wide range of drylands and their resources.

Originally published in 19990
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List of Contributors
I. Land Improvement Techniques
1. Economic Evaluation of Land Levelling in Weibei Dry Upland, Shaanxi, China
- Guangsen Wang, Weidong Wu, and Farong Li
2. Soil Erosion and Land Degradation in the Northern Thai Uplands
- Pitsanu Attaviroj
3. Aerial Seeding in China
- Li Rongao
II. Farm Practices
4. Dryland Management: The Machakos District, Kenya
- F. Kalikander and D. A. Hoekstra
5. An Economic Evaluation of Soil Conservation in Kitui District, Kenya
- G. Holmberg
6. Economic Evaluation of Dryland Peanut Growing With Perforated Plastic Mulch
- Guangsen Wang and Liming Han
7. Dryland Management in the Kordofan and Darfur Provinces of Sudan
- Hassan El Mangouri
vi Dryland Management: Economic Case Studies
8. Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Farm Improvement with Soil Conservation Project in Maphutseng, Mohale's Hoek District, Lesotho
J. Bop
III. Rangeland Managment
9. The Fitzroy Valley Regeneration Project in Western Australia
D.G. Wilcox and J.F. Thomas
10. A Framework for Economic Evaluation of Collective Fencing in Botswana
J. Arntzen
11. Risks in the Botswana Range-Cattle System
L. C. Braat and J.B. Opschoor
IV. Improvement Programmes at the Village/Local Level
12. Economic and Social Change in a Small Rural Community in the Degraded Lower Shivalik Hill Range in North India
Society for Promotion of Wastelands Development
13. Dryland Management Options in Wastelands Development: Jawaja Block, Rajasthan (India)
Society for Promotion of Wastelands Development
V. Environmental Management at the Regional Level
14. Economics of Dryland Salinity Control in the Murray River Basin, Northern Victoria (Australia)
R.G. Dumsday and D.A. Dram
15. Regional Land Use Planning: The Murray River Catchment of Western Australia
1.F. Thomas
VI. Damage Cost Studies
VII. Macro/Global Studies
16. Damage Costs of Land Degradation: An Australian Perspective
- J.A. Sinden, A.R. Sutas, and T.P. Yapp
17. The Costs of Soil Degradation on the Northwest Slopes of New South Wales, Australia
- J.A. Sinden
18. Land Degradation Costs in Canada: A Recent Assessment
-J. Girt
19. Natural Resource Accounting: A Case Study of Botswana
- A. Gilbert
20. Global Modelling of Dryland Degradation
- A.R. Gigengack, C.J. Jepma, D. MacRae, and F. Poldy

John A. Dixon, David E. James, Paul B. Sherman

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