Hanlon / Carlisle / Lyon | The Future Public Health | Buch | 978-0-335-24358-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch

Hanlon / Carlisle / Lyon

The Future Public Health

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-24358-7
Verlag: Open University Press

Obesity, depression, addiction, loss of wellbeing: these are issues which sap the resources and spirit of modern practitioners. Public health is being challenged by the existence of an 'ingenuity gap' – the gap between an interacting kaleidoscope of problems and our capacity to respond effectively.

This innovative text bridges the gap between current public health values and skills and those required to tackle future challenges. The authors introduce the key models and theories of public health, as well as the factors that have shaped its history and development.

The book also:

- Establishes the links between current public health problems and emerging threats like global warming and resource depletion

- Explores the true nature of modern and emerging threats to health

- Creates a new model for the ‘future public health’

- Explores what these changes will mean for the future public health practitioner

This is a book which sets out the reasons why we need a fundamentally new approach to public health and explores how this might be achieved.

The Future Public Health is informed by a six year research project, commissioned by the Scottish Government, to trace the development of our current situation and look for solutions to the challenges facing public health. Visit the AfterNow website (www.afternow.co.uk) to access an array of resources including:

- Introductory videos

- 12 Audio podcasts

- Over 30 short papers and essays
Hanlon / Carlisle / Lyon The Future Public Health jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Phil Hanlon is Professor of Public Health at the University of Glasgow, UK.

Sandra Carlisle is Research Associate at the Institute for Health & Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, UK.

Margaret Hannah is Deputy Director of Public Health for NHS Fife, UK.

Andrew Lyon is the Converger of the International Futures Forum, Aberdour, UK.

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