Joyce / Locke | Mechanical Circulatory Support: Principles and Applications | Buch | 978-0-07-175344-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 272 Seiten, Format (B × H): 224 mm x 282 mm, Gewicht: 1305 g

Joyce / Locke

Mechanical Circulatory Support: Principles and Applications

Buch, Englisch, 272 Seiten, Format (B × H): 224 mm x 282 mm, Gewicht: 1305 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-175344-9
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

An all-in-one guide to mechanical assist devices for the treatment of heart failure This complete guide addresses all of the clinical scenarios encountered by the health care team during the pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative periods following device implantation. In addition, it outlines the specific attributes of various technologies that are currently utilized by clinicians, giving you a practical view of how the latest devices work. You’ll also find a mini-catalog of the spectrum of current devices, complete with their technical and clinical specifications. Drawing on the latest published data and the combined global expertise of a renowned author team, Mechanical Circulatory Support puts the field’s most essential perspectives right at your fingertips. FEATURES: - The unmatched mechanical circulatory device sourcebook, covering the physiological, technical, regulatory, and clinical aspects of ventricular assist devices - Full-color presentation features a wide range of photographs, radiographs, tables, and clearly labeled clinical and schematic illustrations - Essential insights into the physiology of heart failure, which provides a basic foundation of knowledge for understanding the role of mechanical circulatory assistance in the management of heart failure - Logical two-part organization consisting of:Clinical Considerations in mechanical circulatory support, including device history/development and indications for device therapy; perioperative management; complications; and special considerations (use in infants/children, pulmonary hypertension during LVAD support, and more)
Device-Specific Considerations, which provides a mini-catalog of manufacturer’s devices—-from short-term devices to long-term continuous flow devices—-and highlights technical and clinical specifications for each product
- Guide to appropriate device selection using a simplified framework in an industry that produces an increasing array of short- and long-term therapies - Helpful chapter introductions provide essential background information that places each chapter topic in its proper clinical and technical context - Conclusions at the end of each chapter offer a concise summary of chapter material - Full chapter-ending references provide opportunities for further research
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. History of Mechnical Circulatory Support, Yukhiko Nosé and Tadashi Motomra, and Hiroshi Miyamoto
2. Engineering Elements of VAD Construction, Don B. Olsen, Bryan E. Lynch, and Ronald W. Kipp
3. Regulatory Issues in Cardiac Assist Device Application, Steven J. Phillips and Rachel S. Phillips
4. LVAD Patient Selection Criteria, Kumudha Ramasubbu and Biswaijit Kar
5. Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support: Current Status and Future Directions, Katherine B. Harrington, Matthew D. Forrester, and William L. Holman
6. Destination Therapy, Stephen Westaby and Gabriele B. Bertoni
7. Bridge-to-Transplantation, Lyle D. Joyce
8. Bridge to Recovery, Magdi H. Yacoub and Emma J. Birks
9. Anesthetic Considerations During LVAD Surgery, Thomas P. Laberge, Michael K. Loushin, and Michael F. Sweeney
10. LVAD Implantation Technique, George Dimeling and Phil Oyer
11. Anticoagulation for Ventricular Assist Devices, Ettore Vitali, Alessandro Barbone, Filippo Milazzo, and Marco Lanfranconi
12. Lysis Therapy for VAD Thrombosis, Christof Schmid and Hans H. Scheld
13. Infectious Complications of Mechanical Circulatory Support, Joyce L. Sanchez and Dora Y. Ho
14. Right Heart Dysfunction, Walter P. Dembitsky and David L. Joyce
15. Bleeding Complications of Continuous Flow, Daniel D. Joyce and Sheri S. Crow
16. Mechanical Circulatory Support in Infants and Children, Seema Mital
17. Pulmonary Hypertension during LVAD Support, Robert E. Southard and Gerald J. Berry
18. Physiology of Continuous Blood Flow, Wilfried Roethy, Georg M. Wieselthaler, Heinrich Schima, and Ernst Wolner
19. Cerebral Blood Flow in Left Ventricular Assist Device Support, Evgenij V. Potapov and Roland Hetzer
20. Reverse Remodeling of the Myocardium After LVAD Support, Keith A. Yonker
21. Psychosocial Assessment and Discharge Planning, Monica R. Freeman
22. Device Selection for Mechanical Circulatory Support, Matthew D. Forrester, Katherine B. Harrington, and Hari R. Mallidi
23. The Impella Catheter-Based Cardiac Assist Device, Daniel H. Raess, David M. Weber
24. The TandemHeart System: Device Description and Clinical Results, Robert G. Svitek
25. Levitronix CentriMag and PediVAS Systems: Applications and Clinical Results, John Marks, Mark Macedo, and Kurt Dasse
26. The Abiomed AB5000 Circulatory Support System, Daniel H. Raess
27. The Thoratec Paracorporeal Ventricular Assist Device, David J. Farrar
28. The SynCardia Total Artificial Heart, Steven Langforde
29. The AbioCor Total Artificial Heart, Daniel H. Raess
30. The Berlin Heart EXCOR Pediatric Assist Device, Jennifer Rutledge, Christina VanderPluym, Bob Kroslowitz, Ali Kilic, and Holger Buchholz
31. The Berlin Heart INCOR Assist Device, Johannes Müller, Bob Kroslowitz, Robert Halfmann, and Peter Göttel
32. HeartMate II Continuous-Flow Left Ventricular Assist System, David J. Farrar
33. The HeartAssist 5 VAD System, Jay Kraemer
34. The Jarvik-2000 Flowmaker, Robert K. Jarvik
35. CircuLite Synergy Partial Circulatory Support System, Arielle Drummond, Robert Farnan, Gail Farnan, Daniel Burkhoff, Carol Krieger, and John Burdis
36. The HeartWare Ventricular Assist System, Marc T. Swartz and David R. Hathaway
37. Terumo DuraHeart Magnetically Levitated Centrifugal Left Ventricular Assist System, Thomas Gould
38. The Levacor® VAD, Pratap S. Khanwilkar, Phillip J. Miller, Gill B. Bearnson, Gordon B. Jacobs, James Lee, Karl E. Nelson, Jal S. Jassawalla, and James W. Long
39. EVAHEART Left Ventricular Assist System, Tomohiro Nishinaka, Kenji Yamazaki, Satoshi Saito, Hiroyukk Tsukui, and Tomoya Kitano

David L. Joyce, MD
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Stanford University Hospitals and Clinics
Stanford, CA
Lyle D. Joyce, MD, PhD
Professor of Surgery
Division of Cardiovascular Surgery
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN
Matthias Loebe, MD, PhDDivision Chief
Transplant Surgery and Assist Devices
Methodist Hospital
Houston, TX

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