Lee / Collin | Global Change and Health | Buch | 978-0-335-22615-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch

Lee / Collin

Global Change and Health

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22615-3
Verlag: Open University Press

Global health is a relatively new but rapidly expanding field as public health practitioners recognize the important challenges that global changes are posing for human health. Increasingly the determinants of health circumvent, undermine or are oblivious to the territorial boundaries of states. To effectively address health concerns exceeds the capacity of individual countries acting alone through domestic institutions. The issues covered include:

- Food, tobacco and pharmaceuticals

- Emerging infectious diseases

- Climate change

- Economy and trade

- Security and governance
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Dr Kelley Lee is Senior Lecturer in Global Health Policy at LSHTM. She is author of 'Globalisation and Health, An introduction' published by Palgrave (2003). Jeff Collin is Lecturer in Policy Analysis at LSHTM. His current research projects include a four year project supported by the US National Cancer Institute entitled 'Globalisation the tobacco industry and policy influence' and a two year project analysing the political economy of tobacco control in southeast Asia for the Rockefeller foundation.

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