Old Assyrian Institutions | Buch | 978-90-6258-099-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band Volume 98, 305 Seiten


Old Assyrian Institutions

Buch, Englisch, Band Volume 98, 305 Seiten


ISBN: 978-90-6258-099-6
Verlag: Peeters Publishers

Archaeological and documentary evidence is used to investigate two major
institutions of the Old Assyrian city-state: the City Hall in Assur, and
the Office of the Colony in Kültepe/Kanish.
Part One
deals with the City Hall: its role in the economy of the city-state and
its functionaries. Its activities involved the sale to merchants of
commodities to be exported to Anatolia. But the Hall, managed by the
Year-Eponym, was equally important for the local economy by verifying
weights and measures as well as the quality of metals used as a means of
exchange. Moreover, it levied taxes and appears to have controlled the
city’s main granary.
A complex mechanism at the heart
of the colonial system in Kültepe/Kanish is addressed in Part Two. An
interpretation is offered there of the related mechanisms of the payment
of the datum-contribution by registered merchants, communal
fund-raising, taxation and the accounting of the colony.
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