Poblome | Exempli Gratia | Buch | 978-90-5867-979-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 650 g


Exempli Gratia

Sagalassos, Marc Waelkens and Interdisciplinary Archaeology

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 650 g

ISBN: 978-90-5867-979-6
Verlag: Leuven University Press

The Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project has made interdisciplinary practices part of its scientific strategy from the very beginning. The project is internationally acknowledged for important achievements in this respect. Aspects of its approach to ancient Sagalassos can be considered ground-breaking for the archaeology of Anatolia and the wider fields of classical and Roman archaeology.

Now that its first project director, Professor Marc Waelkens - University of Leuven -, is at the stage of shifting practices, from an active academic career to an active academic retirement, this volume represents an excellent opportunity to reflect on the wider impact of the Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project. The contributors to the honorific publication build on the methods and practices of interdisciplinary archaeology from a wide variety of angles, in order to highlight the crucial role of interdisciplinary research for creating progress in the interpretation of the human past or nurture developments in their own disciplines. In particular, the contributors consider how the parcours of the Sagalassos Project helped to pave their ways.

Contributors are international authorities in the field of Anatolian and classical archaeology, bio-archaeology, geo-archaeology, history and cultural heritage.
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Weitere Infos & Material


Exempli gratia. Sagalassos, Marc Waelkens and Interdisciplinary Archaeology
Editorial Note
Jeroen Poblome

Two Decades of Anastylosis Experience at Sagalassos
Ebru Torun and Semih Ercan

Die Dedikation des Apollo Klarios unter Proculus, legatus Augusti pro praetore
Lyciae-Pamphyliae unter Antoninus Pius (with abstract in English)
Werner Eck

Two Decennia of Faunal Analysis at Sagalassos
Wim Van Neer and Bea De Cupere

Holistic Archaeology and Archaeological Science at Sagalassos:

Contributions to a Discipline
Patrick Degryse

The Relation between Archaeology and Geography in Studying Past Human-
environment Interactions: Is Interdisciplinary Geoarchaeology the Answer?
Gert Verstraeten

Money Makes Pottery Go Round
Jeroen Poblome

Sagalassos and the Pisidia Survey Project: In Search of Pisidia's History
Stephen Mitchell and Lutgarde Vandeput

Interdisciplinarity in Archaeology and the Impact of Sagalassos
on the Komana Research Project
Deniz Burcu Erciyas

The Contribution of Regional Surface Survey to Byzantine Landscape
History in Greece
John Bintliff

A First Characterization of a New bigio antico Marble from a Hitherto Unknown
Ancient Quarry at Aghios Petros (Tripolis-Peloponnesus)
Lorenzo Lazzarini

Segmented Mills in Classical Antiquity
David Peacock

Interdisciplinary Non-invasive Survey Approaches to Ancient Towns:

Some Applications and Visualisations from the Roman West
Frank Vermeulen

La nouvelle identité urbaine au Ve siècle dans le Nord de la Gaule
(with abstract in English)
Raymond Brulet

Wolfgang Radt

Contributing authors

Poblome, Jeroen
Jeroen Poblome is full professor at KU Leuven and member of the Sagalassos Archeological Research Project since 1991. He was director from 2013 to 2023.

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