The Gate of Heaven | Buch | 978-90-6258-086-6 |

Buch, Englisch, Band Volume 85, 373 Seiten


The Gate of Heaven

Wall Paintings with Old Testament Scenes in the Altar Room and the Hurus of Coptic Churches

Buch, Englisch, Band Volume 85, 373 Seiten


ISBN: 978-90-6258-086-6
Verlag: Peeters Publishers

This book deals with the wall paintings with Old Testament scenes found
in the altar room and the khûrus (the transverse space in front of it)
of five Coptic churches and chapels dating from the 11th century to c.
1300. Some of the paintings have never before been reproduced. The first
part of the book contains descriptions of the architecture of the churches
and chapels, the iconographical programme and the murals, and also
explores the dating of the architecture and the paintings. The second
part is devoted to the question of why these specific themes were chosen
and whether or not the paintings belong to an Egyptian iconographical tradition.
These issues are examined on the basis of research into the symbolic
meaning and function of the altar room and the khûrus, and an
iconographical and iconological study of the various Old Testament
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