Buch, Englisch, 1500 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 3406 g
Buch, Englisch, 1500 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 3406 g
Reihe: Critical Concepts in Sociology
ISBN: 978-1-138-18795-5
Verlag: Routledge
This major works collection surveys the nature of Muslim Diasporas in the west from a sociological perspective, exploring the issues of migration, integration, identity, politics, Islamophobia and radicalisation.
This four-volume collected works is the state of the art on the research and scholarship on Muslim Diasporas in the West. From canonical works to the latest trends in research, these volumes added to the understanding of ethnicity, equality and diversity in relation to Muslims in the west. The articles explore the philosophies of multiculturalism, integration and interculturalism. They also analyse issues of identity politics, Islamophobia and radicalisation. This major works collection suitably captures the significance of past research and its importance for further scholarship in relation to Muslims and Islam across Europe, North America and Australia.
Weitere Infos & Material
Part 1. History
1. Nabil Matar (2009) Britons and Muslims in the early modern period: from prejudice to (a theory of) toleration, Patterns of Prejudice 43(3-4): 213-231,
2. Nielsen, Jorgen S. (1987) ‘Muslims in Europe’, Renaissance and Modern Studies 31(1): 58-73.
3. Vivek Bald (2006) ‘Overlapping Diasporas, Multiracial Lives: South Asian Muslims in U.S. Communities of Color, 1880–1950’, Souls 8(4): 3-18.
4. Talip Küçükcan (2004) The making of Turkish-Muslim diaspora in Britain: religious collective identity in a multicultural public sphere, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 24(2): 243-258.
Part 2. Post-war migration and settlement
5. Ceri Peach & Günther Glebe (1995) Muslim minorities in Western Europe, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 18:1, 26-45.
6. Fetzer, Joel S and Soper, Christopher J (2005) Muslims and the State in Britain, France and Germany, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, chapter 1: Explaining the accommodation of Muslim religious practices in Western Europe.
7. Cesari, Jocelyne (2004) When Islam and Democracy Meet: Muslims in Europe and in the United States, chapter 4: The Secularisation of Islamic Institutions in Europe and the United States: Two Approaches, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
8. Amiraux, Valerie (2005) ‘Discrimination and Claims for Equal Rights Amongst Muslims in Europe’, in J Cesari and S McLoughlin (eds.) European Muslims and the Secular State. London: Ashgate, pp. 25-38.
Part 3. Integration and community
9. Anwar, Muhammad (2008) ‘Muslims in Western States: The British Experience and the Way Forward’, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 28(1): 125-137.
10. Schumann, Christoph (2007) ‘A Muslim ‘Diaspora’ in the United States?’, The Muslim World 97(1): 11-32.
11. Norris, Pippa and Inglehart, Ronald F (2012) ‘Muslim Integration into Western Cultures: Between Origins and Destinations’, Political Studies 60(2): 228-251.
12. Ramadan, Tariq (2002) ‘Islam and Muslims in Europe: A Silent Revolution towards Rediscovery’, in Haddad, YH (ed.) Muslims in the West: From Sojourners to Citizens, New York: Oxford University Press, chapter 10, pp.158-167.
Part 4. Space and place
13. Silverstein, Paul A (2005) ‘Immigrant Racialization and the New Savage Slot: Race, Migration, and Immigration in the New Europe’, Annual Review of Anthropology 34: 363-384.
14. Ahmed, Akbar S and Hastings Donnan (1994) ‘Islam in the age of postmodernity’, in AS Ahmed and H Donnan (eds.) Islam, Globalisation and Postmodernity, Basingstoke: Routledge, chapter 1, pp. 1-20. (Just before the listing of following chapters)
15. Phillips, D (2006) ‘Parallel lives? Challenging discourses of British Muslim self-segregation, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 24 25–40
16. Hopkins, Peter E (2007) ‘Young people, masculinities, religion and race: new social geographies’, Progress in Human Geography 31(2): 163-177.
Part 5. Inter-generational change
17. Amir Moazami, Schirin and Salvatore, Armando (2003) ‘Gender, Generation, and the Reform of Tradition: From Muslim majority societies to Western Europe’, in S Allievi and JS Nielsen (eds.) Muslim Networks and Transnational Communities in and across Europe, Leiden: Brill.
18. Voas, David and Fleischmann, Fenella (2012) ‘Islam Moves West: Religious Change in the First and Second Generations’, Annual Review of Sociology 38: 525-545.
19. Jacob, Konstanze and Kalter, Frank (2013) ‘Intergenerational Change in Religious Salience Among Immigrant Families in Four European Countries’, International Migration, 51(3): 38-56.
20. Fleischmann, Fenella and Phalet, Karen (2012) ‘Integration and religiosity among the Turkish second generation in Europe: a comparative analysis across four capital cities’, Ethnic and Racial Studies 35(2): 320-341.
Part 6. Multicultural integration
21. Gest, Justin (2012) ‘Western Muslim Integration’, Review of Middle East Studies 46(2): 190-199. (until trajectories for future research)
22. Jopkke, Christian (1996) ‘Multiculturalism and immigration: A comparison of the United States, Germany, and Great Britain’, Theory and Society 25(4): 449-500.
23. Savage, Timothy M (2004) ‘Europe and Islam: Crescent waxing, cultures clashing’, The Washington Quarterly 27(3): 25-50.
24. Meer, Nasar and Modood, Tariq (2009) ‘The Multicultural State We’re In: Muslims, "Multiculture" and the "Civic Re-balancing" of British Multiculturalism’, Political Studies 57(3): 473-497.
Part 7. Hyper-masculinity and Islamic feminism
25. Mac an Ghaill, Mairtin and Haywood, Chris (2015) ‘British-Born Pakistani and Bangladeshi Young Men: Exploring Unstable Concepts of Muslim, Islamophobia and Racialization’, Critical Sociology 41(1): 197-114.
26. Mirza, Heidi S (2013) ‘ ‘A second skin’: Embodied intersectionality, transnationalism and narratives of identity and belonging among Muslim women in Britain’, Women’s Studies International Forum 36: 5-15.
27. Seedat, F. (2013) ‘Islam, feminism, and Islamic feminism: Between inadequacy and inevitability’, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 29(2): 25-45.
28. Lorber, Judith (2002) ‘Heroes, Warriors, and "Burqas": A Feminist Sociologist's Reflections on September 11’, Sociological Forum 17(3): 377-396.
Part 8. Sufism in Europe
29. Geaves, Ron R. (1996) ‘Cult, charisma, community: the arrival of Sufi Pirs and their impact on Muslims in Britain’, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 16(2): 169-192.
30. Ballard, R. (2006) ‘popular Islam in northern Pakistan and its reconstruction for in Urban Britain’, in Sufism in the West, edited by Jamal Malik and John Hinnells, London and New York: Routledge.
31. Howell, J and, M van Bruinessen (2007) Sufism and the ‘Modern in Islam’, in M van Bruinessen and J Howell (eds.) Sufism and the ‘Modern’ in Islam, London: IBTauris (just before reconceptualising Sufi engagements with modernity).
32. Schönbeck, Oluf (2009) Sufism in the USA: Creolisation, Hybridisation, Syncretisation’, in C Raudvere and L Stenberg (eds.) Sufism Today: Heritage and Tradition in the Global Community, London: IB Tauris.
Part 9. Equality under the law
33. Modood, Tariq (2004) ‘Muslims and the Politics of Difference’, The Political Quarterly 74(1):100-115.
34. Grillo, Ralph (2007) ‘An excess of alterity? Debating difference in a multicultural society’, Ethnic and Racial Studies 30(6): 979-998.
35. Gill, Aisha (2004) ‘Voicing the Silent Fear: South Asian Women’s Experiences of Domestic Violence’, The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice 43(5): 465-483.
36. Shah, Prakash A. (2013) ‘In pursuit of the pagans: Muslim law in the English context’, The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 45(1): 58-75.
Part 10. The public space
37. Brubaker, Rogers (2013) ‘Categories of analysis and categories of practice: a note on the study of Muslims in European countries of immigration’, Ethnic and Racial Studies 36(1): 1-8.
38. Bowen, John R. (2004) ‘Beyond Migration: Islam as a Transnational Public Space’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 30(5): 879-894.
39. Gole, Nilufer (2011) ‘The public visibility of Islam and European politics of resentment: The minarets–mosques debate’, Philosophy and Social Criticism 37(4): 383–392.
40. Vertovec, Steven (2007) Super-diversity and its implications, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30:6, 1024-1054
Part 11. Political participation
41. Sinno, Abdulkader H. (2012) ‘The Politics of Western Muslims’, Review of Middle East Studies 46(2): 216-231.
42. Warner, Carolyn M. and Wenner, Manfred W. (2006) ‘Religion and the Political Organization of Muslims in Europe’, Perspectives on Politics 1(3): 457-479.
43. Ayers, John W. and Hofstetter, C. Richard (2008) ‘American Muslim Political Participation Following 9/11: Religious Belief, Political Resources, Social Structures, and Political Awareness’, Politics and Religion 1(1): 3-26.
44. Peace, Timothy (2013) ‘Muslims and electoral politics in Britain: the case of the Respect Party‘, in J. Nielsen (ed.) Muslim Political Participation in Europe, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, p. 299-321.
Part 12. Media
45. Saeed, Amir (2007) ‘Media, Racism and Islamophobia: The Representation of Islam and Muslims in the Media’, Sociology Compass 1(2): 443-462.
46. Abrahamian, Ervand (2003) ‘The US media, Huntington and September 11’, Third World Quarterly 24(3): 529-544.
47. El Hamel, Chouki (2002) ‘Muslim Diaspora in Western Europe: The Islamic Headscarf (Hijab), the Media and Muslims’ Integration in France’, Citizenship Studies 6(3): 293-308.
48. Richardson, John E (2001) ‘British Muslims in the Broadsheet Press: a challenge to cultural hegemony?’ Journalism Studies 2(2): 221-242.
Part 13. 9/11 and beyond
49. Abbas, Tahir (2012) ‘The symbiotic relationship between Islamophobia and radicalisation, Critical Studies on Terrorism 5(3): 345-358
50. Mandeville, Peter (2009) ‘Muslim Transnational Identity and State Responses in Europe and the UK after 9/11: Political Community, Ideology and Authority’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 35(3): 491-506.
51. Poynting, Scott and Mason, Victoria (2007) ‘The resistible rise of Islamophobia Anti-Muslim racism in the UK and Australia before 11’, Journal of Sociology 43(1): 61-86.
52. Kundnani, Arun (2012) ‘Radicalisation: the journey of a concept’, Race & Class 54(2): 3–25
Part 14. Defining Islamophobia
53. Halliday, Fred (1999) ‘Islamophobia' reconsidered’, Ethnic and Racial Studies 22(5): 892-902.
54. Marranci, Gabrielle (2004) ‘Multiculturalism, Islam and the clash of civilisations theory: rethinking Islamophobia’, Culture and Religion: An Interdisciplinary Journal 5(1): 105-117.
55. Sayyid, Salman (2011) ‘Out of the Devil’s Dictionary’, in S. Sayyid and A. Vakil (eds.) Thinking through Islamophobia: Global Perspectives, London and New York: Hurst.
56. Hussain, Yasmin and Bagguley, Paul (2012) ‘Securitized citizens: Islamophobia, racism and the 7/7 London bombings’, The Sociological Review 60(4): 715-734.
Part 15. Securitisation of Muslims
57. Fekete, Liz (2004) ‘Anti-Muslim Racism and the European Security State’, Race & Class 46(1): 3-29.
58. Awan, I. (2012) I’m a Muslim not an Extremist:’ How the Prevent Strategy has constructed a ‘Suspect’ Community’, Politics & Policy 40(6): 1158-1185.
59. Spalek, Basia (2014) ‘Community Engagement for Counterterrorism in Britain: An Exploration of the Role of "Connectors" in Countering Takfiri Jihadist Terrorism’, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 37(10): 825-841.
60. Macdonald, Laura Z (2011) ‘Securing Identities, Resisting Terror: Muslim Youth Work in the UK and its Implications for Security’, Religion, State and Society 39(2-3): 177-189.
Part 16. The radicalisation discourse
61. Mythen, Gabe, Walklate, Sandra and Khan, Fatima (2009) ‘‘I’m a Muslim, but I’m not a Terrorist’: Victimization, Risky Identities and the Performance of Safety’, British Journal of Criminology 49(6): 736-754.
62. Choudhury, T and H Fenwick (2011) ‘The impact of counter-terrorism measures on Muslim communities’, International Review of Law, Computers & Technology 25(3): 151-181.
63. Klausen, Jytte (2009) ‘British Counter-Terrorism After 7/7: Adapting Community Policing to the Fight Against Domestic Terrorism’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 35(3): 403-420.
64. Githens-Mazer, Jonathan (2012) ‘The rhetoric and reality: radicalization and political discourse’, International Political Science Review 33(5): 556-567.