Abdel Wahab | The 12th International Conference on Fracture Fatigue and Wear (FFW) & The 7th International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering (NME) | Buch | 978-3-0364-0470-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 132 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 370 g

Abdel Wahab

The 12th International Conference on Fracture Fatigue and Wear (FFW) & The 7th International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering (NME)

Erscheinungsjahr 2025
ISBN: 978-3-0364-0470-7
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Buch, Englisch, 132 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 370 g

ISBN: 978-3-0364-0470-7
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

This publication contains the selected papers presented at the 12th International Conference on Fracture Fatigue and Wear (FFW 2024) and the 7th International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering (NME 2024), both held on 28-31 July 2024, in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China. The objective of the FFW 2024 conference was to share the results of engineering investigations in fracture mechanics, fatigue of materials, tribology and wear of materials. The articles that were collected cover theoretical and analytical methods, numerical simulations, and experimental techniques for decision-making in the mentioned engineering sphere. The overall objective of the NME 2024 conference was to present the latest achievements in numerical techniques, such as FEM, BEM, IGA, etc., and their applications to a wide range of engineering disciplines. This edition will be helpful to engineers and researchers of many branches of engineering.
Abdel Wahab The 12th International Conference on Fracture Fatigue and Wear (FFW) & The 7th International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering (NME) jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

Preface and Commitee FFW 2024 & NME 2024 (joint)
Chapter 1: Fracture, Fatigue and Wear Performance of Materials
Modeling of Fatigue/Creep in Polymer Cage of Large Size Bearing
Analyzing Frictional Noise for Wear Monitoring under Dry and Lubrication Condition: Experimental Modelling with Pin-on-Disc Tribometer
Evolution Mechanism of Three-Point Bending Impact Fatigue Damage in Ultra-High Strength Steel 23Co14Ni12Cr3MoE Material
Mechanical and Thermal Property of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites
The Microstructure and Diffusion Transformation of Precipitation-Hardened Sterling Silver for Jewelry Application
Chapter 2: Assessment of Hazardous Conditions of Structures
Damage Detection for Truss Bridge Structure Using XGBoost
Multi-Hazard Analysis of Steel Buildings Subjected to Earthquake and Fire
Chapter 3: Design and Analysis of Mechanisms
Sleeve Slippage Simulation and Slippage Damage Identification for the Development of Next Generation Sleeve Assembly Roll
The New Design of an Elevator’s Door Mechanism
A Computational Fluid Dynamics Model for Tornado Wind Turbine

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