Académie de Droit International de la Ha | Recueil des cours, Collected Courses, Tome/Volume 320A (Index Tomes/Volumes 311-320) | Buch | 978-90-04-19695-7 |

Buch, Französisch, Band 320/A, 392 Seiten, Gewicht: 706 g

Reihe: Collected Courses of The Hague Academy of International Law - Recueil des cours

Académie de Droit International de la Ha

Recueil des cours, Collected Courses, Tome/Volume 320A (Index Tomes/Volumes 311-320)

Buch, Französisch, Band 320/A, 392 Seiten, Gewicht: 706 g

Reihe: Collected Courses of The Hague Academy of International Law - Recueil des cours

ISBN: 978-90-04-19695-7
Verlag: Brill Academic Publishers

This index is the twelfth in a series the object of which is to put at the disposal of users of the Collected Courses detailed and precise research tools. It is not intended to replace the general indexes, covering 25, 50, even 100 volumes, but to try to fill the gaps inherent in their publication dates, because, in effect, while waiting for them, the reader could find himself disorientated before the mass of documentation put at his disposal with no real indexation. Volume 320A covers the volumes published in 2005 and 2006 (volumes 311-320).
Académie de Droit International de la Ha Recueil des cours, Collected Courses, Tome/Volume 320A (Index Tomes/Volumes 311-320) jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

Index of volumes 311-320 (2005-2006).

Index by volume of the courses
Index of authors of courses
Table of contents of systematic index
Systematic index
Alphabetical index of French courses
Alphabetical index of English courses
Table of contents of cases referred to in the French courses
Table of cases referred to in the French courses
Table of contents of cases referred to in the English courses
Table of cases referred to in the English courses
Appendix I
Presentation of the publications of the Academy issued during the period covered by the present index (biographical notes of the authors and tables of contents):

Collected Courses
Monographs of the Centre for Studies and research: New Aspects of International Investment
Law, The Cultural Heritage of Mankind
The Law Books: Water Resources and International La, Food Security and Food Safety
Appendix II
Complete list of the publications of the Academy (issued up to the date of publishing of this index: October 2010)
Collected Courses
Index of authors of courses
General indexes
Periodical indexes
Monographs of the Centre for Studies and research
The Law Books of the Academy
Pocketbooks of the Academy

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