Advances in Organometallic Chemistry contains authoritative review articles of worldwide known researchers on the field of organometallic chemistry, covering topics in organometallic synthesis, reactions, mechanisms, homogeneous catalysis, and more. The book will benefit a wide range of researchers involved in organometallic chemistry, including synthetic protocols, mechanistic studies, and practical applications.
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<p>Researchers involved in Organometallic Chemistry from a wide perspective, including synthetic protocols, mechanistic studies and practical applications and to those involved in the use of organometallic complexes in homogeneous catalysis.</p>
Weitere Infos & Material
Chapter One: The Selection of Catalysts for Metal Carbene Transformations
Chapter Two: Recent Advances in Asymmetric Metal-Catalyzed Carbene Transfer from Diazo Compounds Toward Molecular Complexity
Chapter Three: Copper(I)-Acetylides: Access, Structure, and Relevance in Catalysis
Chapter Four: Phenol Derivatives: Modern Electrophiles in Cross-Coupling Reactions
Chapter Five: Transition Metal Alkane-Sigma Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity
Perez, Pedro J.
Pedro J. Pérez (FRSC) graduated in 1991 under the supervision of Prof. Ernesto Carmona (Univ. Sevilla, Spain). As a Fulbright Scholar, he then joined Prof. Brookhart's group at UNC-Chapel Hill (USA). He started an appointment as Assistant Professor at the Universidad de Huelva (Spain) in 1993, where he has been promoted several times until the current position of Professor in Inorganic Chemistry (since 2005). His work is devoted to the development of organometallic complexes of late transition-metal as well as their use as catalysts for transformations involving hydrocarbons, including olefin modification, carbon-hydrogen bond functionalization, and click chemistry. He has been recognized by the RSC with the 2015 Homogeneous Catalysis Award, and by the RSEQ (Spain) with the 2007 Inorganic Chemistry Award and the 2016 Gold Medal Award. In 2014 he joined the National Academy of Sciences of Spain as Corresponding Member.