Buch, Englisch, 332 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 520 g
Buch, Englisch, 332 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 520 g
ISBN: 978-0-12-394288-3
Verlag: Academic Press
Graduate students and researchers who study animal behavior (ecologists, evolutionary biologists, geneticists, endocrinologists, pharmacologists, neurobiologists, developmental psychobiologists, ethologists, comparative psychologists).
- Naturwissenschaften Biowissenschaften Biowissenschaften Neurobiologie, Verhaltensbiologie
- Naturwissenschaften Biowissenschaften Tierkunde / Zoologie Tiergenetik, Reproduktion
- Naturwissenschaften Biowissenschaften Tierkunde / Zoologie Tierethologie
- Naturwissenschaften Biowissenschaften Tierkunde / Zoologie Tierökologie
- Naturwissenschaften Biowissenschaften Entwicklungsbiologie
- Naturwissenschaften Biowissenschaften Biowissenschaften Evolutionsbiologie
Weitere Infos & Material
- Sex at the Snake Den: Lust, Deception and Conflict in the Mating System of Red-Sided Gartersnakes
- The Evolution of Animal Nuptial Gifts
- The Evolution of Inbred Social Systems in Spiders and Other Organisms: From Short-term Gains to Long-term Evolutionary Dead-ends?
- The Behavior of Wild White-faced Capuchins: Demography, Life History, Social Relationships, and Communication
- Studying Female Reproductive Activities in Relation to Male Song: The Domestic Canary as a Model
- Causes and Consequences of Differential Growth in Birds: A Behavioral Perspective
- Increasing Awareness of Ecosystem Services Provided by Bats