Buch, Englisch, 663 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm
Reihe: Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer & Information Science Series
Buch, Englisch, 663 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm
Reihe: Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer & Information Science Series
ISBN: 978-1-4398-5040-4
Verlag: Taylor & Francis
A pioneering publication for researchers in computer science and engineering, Handbook of Energy-Aware and Green Computing is one of the first to present a comprehensive account of recent research in energy-aware and green computing. Edited by the co-chairs of the International Green Computing Conference, this handbook incorporates fundamental knowledge from all related areas, including circuit and component design, software, operating systems, networking, mobile computing, and data centers. It also discusses up-to-date research on many aspects of power-aware computing at the component, software, and system levels.
Researchers and engineers in computer science, communications, circuits, and systems.
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Technische Informatik Hardware: Grundlagen und Allgemeines
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Elektronik Elektronische Baugruppen, Elektronische Materialien
- Technische Wissenschaften Energietechnik | Elektrotechnik Energienutzung, Energiegewinnung
- Technische Wissenschaften Technik Allgemein Nachhaltigkeit, Grüne Technologien
Weitere Infos & Material
Subthreshold Computing, J. Kevin Hicks and Dhireesha Kudithipudi
Energy-Efficient Network-on-Chip Architectures for Multicore Systems, Partha Pande, Amlan Ganguly, Sujay Deb, and Kevin Chang
Geyser: Energy-Efficient MIPS CPU Core with Fine-Grained Run-Time Power Gating, Hiroshi Sasaki, Hideharu Amano, Kimiyoshi Usami, Masaaki Kondo, Mitaro Namiki, and Hiroshi Nakamura
Low Power Design of Emerging Memory Technologies, Yiran Chen, Hai Li, Yuan Xie, and Dimin Niu
Reducing Delays Associated with Disk Energy Management, Puranjoy Bhattacharjee, Ali R. Butt, Guanying Wang, and Chris Gniady
Power Efficient Strategies for Storage Systems: A Survey, Medha Bhadkamkar and Behrooz Shirazi
Dynamic Thermal Management for High-Performance Storage Systems, Youngjae Kim, Sudhanva Gurumurthi, and Anand Sivasubramaniam
Energy Saving Techniques for Disk Storage Systems, Jerry Chou, Jinoh Kim, Doron Rotem
Thermal and Power-Aware Task Scheduling and Data Placement for Storage Centric Datacenters, Bing Shi and Ankur Srivastava
Power-Aware Middleware for Mobile Applications, Shivajit Mohapatra, M. Reza Rahimi, and Nalini Venkatasubramanian
Energy Efficiency of Voice-over-IP Systems, Salman A. Baset and Henning Schulzrinne
Intelligent Energy Aware Networks, Y. Audzevich, A. Moore, A. Rice, R. Sohan, S. Timotheou, J. Crowcroft, S. Akoush, A. Hopper, A. Wonfor, H. Wang, R. Penty, I. White, X. Dong, T. El-Gorashi, and J. Elmirghani
Green TCAM-Based Internet Routers, Tania Mishra and Sartaj Sahni
Algorithmic Aspects of Energy-Efficient Computing, Marek Chrobak
Algorithms and Analysis of Energy-Efficient Scheduling of Parallel Tasks, Keqin Li
Power Saving by Task-Level Dynamic Voltage Scaling: A Theoretical Aspect, Taewhan Kim
Speed Scaling: An Algorithmic Perspective, Adam Wierman, Lachlan L.H. Andrew, and Minghong Lin
Processor Optimization for Energy Efficiency, Omid Azizi and Benjamin C. Lee
Power Aware SIMD Algorithm Design on GPU and Multicore Architectures, Da Qi Ren and Reiji Suda
Memetic Algorithms for Energy-Aware Computation and Communications Optimization in Computing Clusters, Johnatan E. Pecero, Bernabé Dorronsoro, Mateusz Guzek, and Pascal Bouvry
Online Job Scheduling Algorithms under Energy Constraints, Fei Li
Reliability-Aware Power Management for Real-Time Embedded Systems, Dakai Zhu and Hakan Aydin
Energy Minimization for Multiprocessor Systems Executing Real-Time Tasks, Yumin Zhang, Xiaobo Sharon Hu, and Danny Ziyi Chen
Energy-Aware Scheduling and Dynamic Reconfiguration in Real-Time Systems, Weixun Wang, Xiaoke Qin, and Prabhat Mishra
Adaptive Power Management for Energy Harvesting Embedded Systems, Jun Lu, Shaobo Liu, Qing Wu, and Qinru Qiu
Low Energy Instruction Cache Optimization Techniques for Embedded Systems, Ann Gordon-and Marisha Rawlins
A Power-Aware Modeling and Autonomic Management Framework for Distributed Computing Systems, Rajat Mehrotra, Abhishek Dubey, Sherif Abdelwahed, and Asser N. Tantawi
Power Measuring and Profiling: State-of-the-Art 3, Hui Chen and Weisong Shi
Modeling the Energy Consumption of Distributed Applications, Georges Da Costa, Helmut Hlavacs, Karin Anna Hummel, and Jean-Marc Pierson
A Comparative Study of Runtime Systems for Energy Aware High Performance Computing, Chung-Hsing Hsu and Stephen W. Poole
Tool Environments to Measure Power Consumption and Computational Performance, Timo Minartz, Daniel Molka, Julian Kunkel, Michael Knobloch Michael Kuhn, and Thomas Ludwig
BlueTool: Using a Computing Systems Research Infrastructure Tool to Design and Test Green and Sustainable Data Centers, Sandeep Gupta, Georgios Varsamopoulos, Anna Haywood, Patrick Phelan, and Tridib Mukherjee
Optimizing Performances in Heterogeneous Clusters, Stephane Vialle, Sylvain Contassot-Vivier, and Thomas Jost
Energy-Efficient Online Provisioning for HPC Workloads, Ivan Rodero, Manish Parashar, Andres Quiroz, Francesc Guim, and Stephen W. Poole
Exploiting Heterogeneous Computing Systems for Energy Efficiency, Wei Chen, Young Choon Lee, and Albert Y. Zomaya
Code Development of High Performance Applications for Power-Efficient Architectures, Khaled Z. Ibrahim
Experience with Autonomic Energy Management Policies for JavaEE Clusters, Daniel Hagimont, Laurent Broto, Aeiman Gada, and Noel Depalma
Power-Aware Parallel Job Scheduling, Maja Etinski, Julita Corbalan, and Jesus Labarta
Toward Energy Efficient Web Server Clusters, Yu Cai and Xinying Zheng
Providing a Green Framework for Cloud Data Centers, Andrew J. Younge, Gregor von Laszewski, Lizhe Wang, and Geoffrey C. Fox
Environmentally Opportunistic Computing, Paul Brenner, Douglas Thain, Aimee Buccellato, and David B. Go
Energy-Efficient Data Transfers in Large-Scale Distributed Systems, Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Laurent Lefèvre
Overview of Data Centers Energy Efficiency Evolution, Lennart Johnsson
Evaluating Performance, Power, and Cooling in High Performance Computing (HPC) Data Centers, Jeffrey J. Evans, Sandeep Gupta, Karen L. Karavanic, Andres Marquez, and Georgios Varsamopoulos
Green GPS-Assisted Vehicular Navigation, Tarek F. Abdelzaher
Energy-Aware Mobile Multimedia Computing, Jianxin Sun, Dalei Wu, Jiucai Zhang, Xueyi Wang, and Song Ci
Ultralow-Power Implantable Electronics, Seetharam Narasimhan and Swarup Bhunia
Energy Adaptive Computing: A New Paradigm for Sustainable IT, Krishna Kant
Evolution of Energy Awareness using an Open Carbon Footprint Calculation Platform (OCFP), Farzana Rahman, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Casey O’Brien, He Zhang, and Lin Liu
Understanding and Exploiting User Behavior for Energy Saving, Vasily G. Moshnyaga
Understanding and Exploiting User Behavior for Energy Saving, Mingsong Bi, Igor Crk, and Chris Gniady
Toward Sustainable Portable Computing, Vinod Namboodiri and Siny Joseph