Albertson / Fox / O'Leary | Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 144 Seiten

Albertson / Fox / O'Leary Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds

Outcome-Based Payment Systems in the UK and US

E-Book, Englisch, 144 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4473-4072-0
Verlag: Policy Press
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

As public services budgets are cut, the ‘Payment by Results’ (or Pay for Success) model has become a popular choice in public sector commissioning. Social Impact Bonds are a variant of Payment by Results also promoted by proponents of social (or impact) investing. But how effective are these approaches?
This short book asks whether the Payment by Results model is an efficient way to unlock new capital investment, help new providers to enter the ‘market’ and foster innovation, or whether the extension of ‘neoliberal’ thinking, complexity and the effects of managerialism undermine the effective delivery of social outcomes.
Synthesising lessons from the UK and US for the first time, the book draws on published work in both countries together with insights from the authors’ own research and consultancy experience to offer a balanced and bipartisan overview of a field where the evidence has been weak and there are strong ideological agendas in play.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction: outcome-based payment and the reform of public services
Outcome-based commissioning: theoretical underpinnings
Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds in the UK
Pay for Success and Social Impact Bonds in the US
Review of the evidence for outcome-based payment systems
Conclusions, cautions and future directions

Fox, Chris
Chris Fox is Professor of Evaluation and Policy Analysis at Manchester Metropolitan University.

Albertson, Kevin
Kevin Albertson is Professor of Economics at Manchester Metropolitan University.

O'Leary, Chris
Christopher O’Leary is Senior Lecturer in the Policy Evaluation and Research Unit at Manchester Metropolitan University.

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