Almagest | Brepols | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: halbjährlich


International Journal for the History of Scientific Ideas

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: halbjährlich

ISSN 17922593

The journal Almagest considers the history of science both as a history of ideas and as an activity that takes place in institutional and social context. In discussing the history of scientific ideas, the journal addresses the philosophical assumptions underpinning the ideas as well as the scientific developments themselves; it also addresses the influence of the historical context on these ideas.

One of the defining features of the journal’s approach to the history of science is the belief that the history of scientific ideas, of research priorities, of conceptualizations of nature, and of the various external factors that are associated with scientific discoveries are deeply related to History, generally construed, and to cultural and socio-economic parameters. Following this approach, the journal invites papers on the history of scientific ideas in specific regions or related to a specific cultural context (for example, papers on science and religion). It also invites papers on the relations of scientific ideas to the material civilization, in particular to scientific instruments.
It is a firm belief of the editorial board that history of science can contribute substantially to the scientific education of both students and the general public, especially at a time when debates over "intelligent design" are raising major questions not only over what counts as science but also on what ought to be available to students in their school curricula. The journal, therefore, invites also papers on the utilization of history of science in science education.
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