Almeida / Martucci / Estefanía Rojas Hernández | Sol-Gel Derived Optical and Photonic Materials | Buch | 978-0-12-818019-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 394 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 640 g

Almeida / Martucci / Estefanía Rojas Hernández

Sol-Gel Derived Optical and Photonic Materials

Erscheinungsjahr 2020
ISBN: 978-0-12-818019-8
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 394 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 640 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-818019-8
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Sol-gel processing is a low temperature, low cost wet chemistry route to a range of different materials, particularly glassy and ceramic oxides, including nanoparticles and powders, fibers, thin films and membranes, or monoliths and composites. Thin films and coatings represent by far the most important category of sol-gel derived products with optical, electronic and magnetic functionalities, for example photoresist and dielectric spin-on-glass layers, flat screen displays, anti-reflection, conducting and magnetic disk coatings, as well as photochromic, electrochromic and photovoltaic coatings. Sol-gel derived materials are homogeneous at the molecular level and are a good example of a bottom-up approach to materials synthesis. There is increasing need of new optical and photonic materials with improved performance, where molecular level homogeneity and easy fabrication in film form may be especially convenient, highlighting a decisive advantage of sol-gel over other more established technologies to obtain graded index optical components, solar control coatings, phosphors, glass ceramics or multilayer photonic structures.

There is no book available yet which focuses in particular on optical and photonic sol-gel derived materials. This is what makes this book unique at this point for those especially or exclusively interested in optical and photonic functional materials and applications. This book represents an important tool to update scientists and engineers with recent advances in the rapidly evolving field of optical and photonic materials, components and devices. Our target audience are those working in materials science, physics, engineering and chemistry disciplines, in particular academics and researchers working in advanced optical/photonic processing technologies, research and development engineers in high technology industries and research project leaders. This book will also be an essential tool for graduate students pursuing a PhD or even a Master's degree.
Almeida / Martucci / Estefanía Rojas Hernández Sol-Gel Derived Optical and Photonic Materials jetzt bestellen!


<p>Researchers in Materials Science, Physics, Engineering, and Chemistry disciplines working in academia and R&D disciplines</p>

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction
2. Sol-gel derived anti-reflective coatings for high fluence lasers
3. TiO2 coatings prepared by sol-gel and electrochemical methodologies
4. One-dimensional multilayer photonic crystals
5. Design and implementation of 2-D photonic crystals using sol-gel materials
6. 3D-photonic crystals: Opal structures
7. Photovoltaic spectral conversion materials: The role of sol-gel processing
8. Hybrid materials for patterning and waveguiding
9. Semiconductor quantum dot-doped sol-gel materials
10. Lanthanide-doped oxyfluoride transparent glass-ceramics prepared by sol-gel
11. Sol-gel derived phosphors for optical applications
12. Optical gas sensors
13. Sol-Gel materials for optical and electrooptical applications
14. Sol-gel materials for optical fibers
15. Multifunctional magnetic, optical and electrical nanomaterials processed by sol-gel method

Martucci, Alessandro
Dr. A. Martucci received his Ph.D. degree in Materials Engineering from University of Bologna Italy, in 1997. He has started his research and teaching activity at University of Padova, Italy, in the field of glass, ceramics and nanocomposite films obtained by wet chemistry processing for photonic, optical and gas sensor applications. From 2019, he is full professor of Materials Science Engineering at Padova University. He has published over 250 scientific papers in peer-reviewed international journals. He is editorial board member of several materials science international journals He is Fellow of the American Ceramic Society (USA) and the International Sol-Gel Society.

Almeida, Rui
Dr. Rui M. Almeida is a Portuguese Materials Scientist. He received his Ph.D. degree in Materials Engineering from University of California, Los Angeles, USA, in 1980. He has started his research and teaching activity at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisboa, Portugal, in several fields of materials science and engineering. From 1990, he is full professor of Materials Engineering. From 1992 until 2010, he was director of ICEMS (Institute of Science and Engineering of Materials and Surfaces), a research organization affiliated with IST. He has published over two hundred scientific papers in peer-reviewed international journals in the broad fields of materials science, physics and chemistry, he has co-authored close to twenty book chapters and edited four books. He is editorial board member of several materials science international journals and associate editor of the International Journal of Applied Glass Science. His most recent interests relate to the optical and photonic properties of glasses, thin films and sol-gel derived materials, including the application of frequency conversion materials to solar cells and solid state lighting. He is Fellow of the American Ceramic Society (USA), the Society of Glass Technology (UK) and the International Sol-Gel Society.

Estefanía Rojas Hernández, Rocío
Dr. Rojas has more than 7 year's research experience, five of which are in the ceramic research field during their PhD (4 years) and as Post-Doctoral Researcher (1 year) in the Ceramics for Smart Systems group, at the Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio, CSIC, Spain. Now, Dr. Rojas holds a position as Post-Doctoral Researcher (1 year and 8 months ago) in Glasses and Thin Films for Nanophotonics and Integrated Optics Group belonging to Depart. Eng. Química, CQE, at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa as part of research team in the framework of COFRE project (Photonic crystal-assisted frequency conversion phosphor layers for energy applications) funded by FCT. In this latter position, Dr. Rojas has focused on sol-gel synthesis and optical characterization of down and up-conversion materials (amorphous and nanocrystalline) including bulk form as well as thin films.

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