Alnabhani | Applications of Nuclear and Radioisotope Technology | Buch | 978-0-12-821319-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 519 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 450 g


Applications of Nuclear and Radioisotope Technology

For Peace and Sustainable Development

Buch, Englisch, 519 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-821319-3
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Applications of Nuclear and Radioisotope Technology: For Peace and Sustainable Development presents the latest technology and research on nuclear energy with a practical focus on a variety of applications. Author Dr. Khalid Al-Nabhani provides a thorough and well-rounded view of the status of nuclear power generation in order to promote its benefits towards a sustainable, clean and secure future. This book offers innovative theoretical, analytical, methodological and technological approaches, encourages a positive societal and political uptake.

This book enhances awareness of peaceful nuclear applications across a broad spectrum of industries, including power generation, agriculture, and medicine. It presents successful examples and lessons learned across many countries that are working towards their sustainability goals in cooperation with the IAEA and AAEA, to benefit researchers, professionals and decision-makers implementing and developing their own nuclear strategies for the future.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. History of The Atom and The Emergence of Nuclear Energy
2. The Role of International Law Via NPT in Promoting Nuclear Peaceful Applications
3. Application of Nuclear Science and Technology in Power Generation, Hydrogen Economy, and Transport
4. Application of Nuclear Science and Technology in the Industries, and in Environmental Sustainability
5. Application of Nuclear Science and Technology in the Sustainability of Agriculture, Water Resources, and Food Safety
6. Applications of Nuclear Science and Radioisotope Technology in Advanced Sciences and Scientific Research
7. Nuclear Safety & Security
8. Conclusions and recommendations

Alnabhani, Khalid
Dr. Khalid Alnabhani is a visiting Professor at the Centre for Risk Integrity and Safety and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University, Canada. He holds a PhD in Engineering from Memorial University in 'Safety engineering and risk management of radioactive materials.' Alnabhani has rich and long experience in the field of Nuclear Industry and the Oil and Gas industry. Alnabhani has been recently listed as a scientist and expert in the scientists and experts' database of IAEA & AAEA. He is a member of the American Nuclear Society under the category of experts and professionals. He has a number of academic collaborations with prestigious Universities in the USA and the UK. His areas of research interest include safety engineering and risk management of technically enhanced nuclear radiological materials, the artificial intelligence role in promoting nuclear safety and security, and peaceful applications of atomic energy.

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