Buch, Englisch, 230 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 600 g
ISBN: 978-3-03785-107-4
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Technische Mechanik | Werkstoffkunde Werkstoffkunde, Materialwissenschaft: Forschungsmethoden
- Technische Wissenschaften Technik Allgemein Technische Optik, Lasertechnologie
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Produktionstechnik Fertigungstechnik
- Technische Wissenschaften Sonstige Technologien | Angewandte Technik Lasertechnologie, Holographie
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Preface, Sponsors and Committees
Invited Papers
Computer Simulations of Laser Ablation, Plume Expansion and Plasma Formation
Light Scattering Techniques Applied to Materials Science
Numerical Study of Butt Joining by Coaxial Powder Injection
I. Laser Matter Processing
Microstructure and Wear Behaviour of Al/TiB2 Metal Matrix Composite
Numerical Simulation of Laser Bending of Thin Plate Stress Analysis and Prediction
Angular Distribution and Ion Time of Flight Produced on Silicon Target by Laser Irradiation
II. Materials for Telecommunication Application
Investigation on Thin Films Deposited by PECVD from a DiPhenylMethylSilane (DPMS) Vapors or Mixed with Oxygen for Low-K Material Application
Enhancement of Blue Spectral Response Intensity of PbS via Polyethylene Oxide-Adding for the Application to White LEDs
Study of Optical and Structure Properties for Different Composition Tin-Antimony-Selenium Thin Film
III. Laser Induced Plasma
Analyses of Plasmas Produced by Laser Ablation of Fresh Aliments
On the Electron Distribution Effect of an Expanding Laser Ablated Plasma
High Intensity Laser Ablation of Titanium Target
Laser Ablation in Liquids: Colloidal Nanoparticles Synthesis
Characterization of CNx/Si Using RBS, NRA and AES Techniques
Effect of Laser Fluence on the Properties of Sm1-XNd X NiO3 Thin Films Deposited by KrF Laser Ablation
Characterization of Laser Induced Plasmas by Fast Imaging for Graphite Target
IV. Laser Technology for Materials Science and Environment
A Review of the Laser Pyrolysis Technique Used to Synthesize Vanadium and Tungsten Oxide Thin Films
In Situ Metal Matrix Composite Surfacing by Laser Surface Alloying
Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing of Metals
Comparison of the Capability of Peak Function in Describing Real Condensation Particle Counter Profiles
V. Modelling of Materials Processing and Microstructures
One-Dimensional Modeling of a Dielectric Barrier Discharge in NeXe Mixture, Application to Excimer Lamps
Electromagnetic Modeling of Microwave Axial Injection Torch at Atmospheric Pressure Used for Thin Film Deposition
Modelling Sequential Impact of Molten Droplets on a Solid Surface in Plasma Spray Process
Fluid Model Simulation of DC Glow Discharges
PIC-MC Simulation Method of DC Discharge Plasmas
Modeling of Detector Radiations Response P-I-N in Technology Thin Film on ASIC (TFA) Intended for Digitalization in Medical Imagery
Effect of Argon Ambient Gas Pressure on Plume Expansion Dynamics
Simulation of Geometry and Heat Transfer in a Thin Wall Produced by Direct Laser Powder Deposition
Modeling the Formation of Periodic Nanostructures on Solid Surface Induced by Femtosecond Laser Ablation by Particle-in-Cell Method
VI. Plasma Discharge
Numerical Modeling of an End-Hall Ion Source
Optimization of the Plasma Display Panel Characteristics with PIC-MCC Method
OES Diagnostics of HMDSO/O2/CF4 Microwave Plasma for SiOCxFy Films Deposition
Effect of the Plasma Deposition Parameters on the Properties of Ti/TiC Multilayers for Hard Coatings Applications
Computation of the Net Emission Coefficient with the Overlapping Lines Consideration on the CH4-Ar Plasma Discharge
Modeling of a Ne-Xe-HCl DC Discharge for Excimer Lamp
Study of the Adhesion and the Thermal Stability of CrN and CrAlN Thin Films
Dry Sliding Wear of Stainless Steel Coating Obtained by Plasma on Aluminium Substrate
Study of API 5L X52 Carbon Steel Treated in Oxygen Plasma Discharge
Influence of Plasma Parameters and Circuit Connecting on Harmonics Generated in Ar/O2 13.56 Mhz Plasma Discharge
Electrical Characterization of Inductively Coupled Plasma Reactor Excited by RF (13.56MHz)
Experimental Study of Evolution of NO and NO2 in a Positive Corona Discharge
Diagnostic of a RF (13.56MHz) Magnetron in Ar/CH4 Discharge
Optical Properties of a-C:H Films Deposited by Plasma Microwave Discharge with Controlling Substrate Temperature
Development of a Radiofrequency Plasma Diagnostic System with a Langmuir Probe and Study of a Capacitively Coupled Argon Plasma
Photo-Detachment of H- in Magnetized Cascaded Arc Hydrogen Plasma
Monte Carlo Simulation for an Electrical Discharge in O2