Vogeler, Georg
Georg Vogeler ist Historiker und Professor für Digital Humanities am Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung der Universität Graz und Projektleiter des ERC-Advanced Grant Projekts “From Digital to Distant Diplomatics”.
Barret, Sébastien
Sébastien BARRET (PhD 2001, Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes / Technische Universität Dresden) is a research fellow at the Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes of the French Centre national de la recherche scientifique (Orléans/Paris).
Ambrosio, Antonella
Antonella Ambrosio is a researcher in the Department of Humanities in University 'Federico II” in Naples (Italy) where she studies the medieval charters of South of Italy and teaches Palaeography and Diplomatics. She is coordinator of the activities of the monasterium.net project in Southern Italy for the ICARus (International Center for Archival Research) and part of the steering committee of the ENArC project (European Network of Archival Cooperation, EU, Culture Programme 2007-2013).
Georg Vogeler is lecturer at the Austrian Center for Digital Humanities at Graz University, and technical director of the International Center for Archival Research (ICARus).
Antonella Ambrosio is a researcher in the Department of Humanities in University in Naples, Italy, where she studies the medieval charters of South of Italy and teaches Palaeography and Diplomatics.
Sébastien BARRET is a research fellow at the Institut de recherche et d"histoire des textes of the French Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Orléans/Paris.