American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Coding and Nomenclature | Pediatric Inpatient Evaluation and Management: Pocket Card 2023 | Sonstiges | 978-1-61002-655-0 |

Sonstiges, Englisch, 2 Seiten, Cards, Format (B × H): 140 mm x 241 mm

American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Coding and Nomenclature

Pediatric Inpatient Evaluation and Management: Pocket Card 2023

Erscheinungsjahr 2022
ISBN: 978-1-61002-655-0
Verlag: American Academy of Pediatrics

Sonstiges, Englisch, 2 Seiten, Cards, Format (B × H): 140 mm x 241 mm

ISBN: 978-1-61002-655-0
Verlag: American Academy of Pediatrics

NEW FOR 2023! This handy pocket card provides easy reference to the newly updated CPT® codes for inpatient evaluation and management (E/M) services. Levels of medical decision-making, prolonged inpatient or observation E/M services, and split/shared billing are addressed as well. This card is laminated for extra durability.
American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Coding and Nomenclature Pediatric Inpatient Evaluation and Management: Pocket Card 2023 jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

The AAP Committee on Coding and Nomenclature (COCN) is responsible for reviewing of all proposed changes to CPT and ICD-10-CM coding structures to determine whether the Academy will endorse the proposal; participates in the American Medical Association/Specialty Society Relative Value Scale Update Committee's (RUC) survey process by validating clinical vignettes, evaluating survey data, and deciding on physician work and practice expense relative value units (RVUs) to recommend to the RUC; and serves as a review panel regarding other activities such as identifying Academy positions on the RBRVS. The COCN also monitors the Medicare RBRVS physician fee schedule and its adoption by private and public payers.

To update pediatricians on its activities, including the formal publication of new and revised CPT and ICD-10-CM coding structures and final values for CPT codes used by pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists, and pediatric surgical specialists, the COCN publishes periodic articles in AAP News along with a monthly coding column called Coding-Corner.

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