Amirav / Roukema / Ebner | The ‘New Testament’ as a Polemical Tool | E-Book |

Amirav / Roukema / Ebner The ‘New Testament’ as a Polemical Tool

Studies in Ancient Christian Anti-Jewish Rhetoric and Beliefs
1. Auflage 2018
ISBN: 978-3-647-59376-0
Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection

Studies in Ancient Christian Anti-Jewish Rhetoric and Beliefs

E-Book, Englisch, Band 118, 264 Seiten

Reihe: Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments

ISBN: 978-3-647-59376-0
Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection

This volume contains papers on the ancient Christian use of potentially anti-Jewish New Testament texts. Martin Albl gives a general introduction to the opinions that ancient Christian authors held on Jews and Judaism. James Carleton Paget focuses on the Epistle of Barnabas and its critical position towards the Jewish religion. Wolfgang Grünstäudl discusses Justin Martyr’s non-reception of two apparently anti-Jewish texts: Matt 27:25 (“His blood be on us and on our children”) and John 8:44 (“You are from your father the devil”). Harald Buchinger analyses Melito of Sardes’ Paschal homily, in which the Jews are blamed for the death of Christ. Riemer Roukema and Hans van Loon investigate, respectively, Origen’s and Cyril of Alexandria’s use of NT texts in relation to the Jews and their Scriptures. Hagit Amirav and Cornelis Hoogerwerf focus on the form of polemical discourses in Diodore of Tarsus, Theodore of Mopsuestia, and John Chrysostom. Maya Goldberg studies Theodore of Mopsuestia’s ideas on divine paideia in his commentary on Paul’s epistle to the Galatians, and his view that the NT was intended to finalize – not replace – the Old Testament. Alban Massie focuses on Augustine’s interpretation of John 1:17, “The Law was given through Moses, grace and the truth came through Jesus Christ.” Brian Matz deals with Jesus’ warning against the leaven, i.e. teaching, of the Pharisees (Matt 16:6, 12), and Martin Meiser focuses on patristic reception of Matt 27:25. By way of comparison with ecclesiastial authors, Gerard Luttikhuizen deals with the alleged anti-Jewish interpretation of Scripture in Gnostic texts. This volume demonstrates that potentially anti-Jewish texts were indeed used against Jews, but also toward Christians, sometimes without applying them to Jews.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1;Title Page;4
4;Riemer Roukema / Hagit Amirav: Introduction;8
5;Martin C. Albl: Ancient Christian Authors on Jews and Judaism;16
5.1;1. Introduction: limiting the scope;16
5.2;2. Who are the Jews? Covenant and Law;17
5.3;3. The adversus Judaeos Literature;19
5.4;4. Christian Presuppositions in Addressing Judaism;22
5.5;5. Jews between Pagans and Christians: The Three Race Schema;23
5.6;6. Distinctions within the Law: “Natural law” and the “Second Law”;25
5.7;7. Purpose of the Law;27
5.7.1;7.1 Curbing the Vices Learned in Egypt;27
5.7.2;7.2 Law as Disciplinary and Healing;28
5.7.3;7.3 Law as Punitive;30
5.8;8. Spiritual Interpretations of the Law;30
5.9;9. Interpretations of Specific Commandments of the Law;31
5.9.1;9.1 Purpose of circumcision;32;9.1.1 Historical Purpose: a Sign of Identity for the Sake of the Messiah;32;9.1.2 Historical Purpose: Polemical Interpretations of Circumcision;33;9.1.3 Spiritual Interpretations of Circumcision;34
5.9.2;9.2 Food Laws: Historical and Spiritual Interpretations;34
5.9.3;9.3 Sabbath: Historical and Spiritual Interpretations;35
5.9.4;9.4 Sacrifice: Historical and Spiritual Interpretations;36
5.10;10. The Logic of Supersession: New Law and New Covenant;36
5.11;11. The Abrogation of the Old Covenant: Various Views;37
5.12;12. Jewish Failure to Understand the Law and Christ;39
5.12.1;12.1 Misunderstanding Due to a Literal Reading of Scripture;39
5.12.2;12.2 Misunderstanding Due to Reading without Faith;40
5.12.3;12.3 Misunderstanding Due to God's Punishment;41
5.12.4;12.4 Misunderstanding Due to the Unbelieving Nature of the Jews;41
5.13;13. Jews and Jesus' Death;42
5.13.1;13.1 Jews Alone Killed Jesus;42
5.13.2;13.2 Jews as Murderers of God;44
5.13.3;13.3 Jewish History as a Trail of Crimes Culminating in the Killing of Jesus;44
5.13.4;13.4 An Alternative Non-polemical Passion Tradition;45
5.14;14. God's Punishment of the Jews: Destruction of Jerusalem;46
5.15;15. Perpetual Punishment of the Jews;47
5.16;16. The Fate of Contemporary Jews;48
5.16.1;16.1 Jews as Living Anachronisms;48
5.16.2;16.2 Augustine's Witness Doctrine;49
5.17;17. Characteristics of Contemporary Jews;50
5.17.1;17.1 Arrogance and Parochialism of the Jew;50
5.17.2;17.2 Law-breakers or Fastidious Observance of the Law?;50
5.17.3;17.3 The Higher Moral Plane of Contemporary Jews;51
5.18;18. Differentiation Among the Jews;52
5.19;19. The Jew as Unorthodox Christian;53
5.20;20. Conclusions;55
6;Hagit Amirav / Cornelis Hoogerwerf: Why Argue?;58
7;Harald Buchinger: Melito, „Israel“ und die Bibel beider Testamente;74
7.1;1. Melito und das Judentum;75
7.1.1;1.1 Melito und die jüdische Paschafeier;75;1.1.1 Schildert Melito eine jüdische Paschafeier?;75;1.1.2 Melito und die Pesachhaggada;76;(a) Die klassische Forschungsfrage nach Berührungen;77;(b) Das revisionistische Modell der jüngeren Forschung;80
7.1.2;1.2 Melitos Antijudaismus;81;1.2.1 Der Befund: Melito – „the first poet of deicide“ (Eric Werner);81;1.2.2 Reaktiver Antijudaismus? Eine hinfällige Erklärung;83
7.2;2. Melito und die Bibel;84
7.2.1;2.1 Melitos Hermeneutik der Bibel;84;2.1.1 Anwendung und Reflexion von Typologie;84;2.1.2 Entwertung und Entleerung des Typos;86
7.2.2;2.2 Melito und das Neue Testament;88;2.2.1 Hermeneutische Theorie der zweiteiligen Bibel;88;2.2.2 Verwendung des Neuen Testaments;89
8;James Carleton Paget: Barnabas' anti-Jewish Use of Some New Testament Texts: Fact or Fiction?;92
8.1;1. Introduction;92
8.2;2. The case of Barnabas;93
8.3;3. Matthew;97
8.4;4. Paul;100
8.5;5. The Epistle to the Hebrews;105
8.6;6. Barnabas and John;109
8.7;7. Conclusion;110
9;Maya Goldberg: Theodore of Mopsuestia on Divine Paideia;114
9.1;1. Theodore's general views on divine paideia in the Old Testament;115
9.2;2. The Mosaic Law;118
9.3;3. The nature of Diyarbakir 22;118
9.4;4. Analysis;120
9.4.1;4.1.1 The Divine Promise and the Mosaic Law (Gal 3:18);122
9.4.2;4.1.2 The nature of Q2 in this section;122
9.4.3;4.2.1 Law and Sin (Gal 3:21–2);123
9.4.4;4.2.2 The nature of Q2 in this section;124
9.4.5;4.3.1 Allegories, similes and the two Testaments (Gal 4:22–4);125
9.4.6;4.3.2 The nature of Q2 in this section;129
9.5;4.4 The curse of the Law and the universal absence of blessing (3:10);131
9.5.1;4.5.1 The Law and the faith (3:11);132
9.5.2;4.5.2 The nature of Q2 in this section;132
9.5.3;4.6.1 The debt to the Law (3:13);133
9.5.4;4.6.2 The nature of Q2 in this section;134
9.6;4.7 The error of the Galatians (3:2);135
10;5. Conclusion;136
11;Wolfgang Grünstäudl: Blutruf und Teufelskindschaft;138
11.1;1. Einführung;138
11.2;2. Das Neue Testament bei Justin;140
11.3;3. Anti-jüdische Polemik und die Rezeption später neutestamentlicher Texte;143
11.3.1;3.1 „Sein Blut komme über uns und unsere Kinder“ (Mt 27,25);143
11.3.2;3.2 „Ihr seid aus dem Vater, dem Teufel“ (Joh 8,44);150
11.4;4. Zusammenfassung;156
12;Hans van Loon: The Role of the New Testament in Cyril of Alexandria's Attitude towards Jews and Judaism;158
12.1;1. The New Testament and Cyril's Hermeneutics of the Old Testament;159
12.2;2. The Leaders of the Jews in Christ's Time;165
12.3;3. Other Key Texts in Cyril's Writings;167
12.4;4. Cyril's Actual Contact with Jews in Alexandria;170
12.5;5. Conclusion;176
13;Gerard P. Luttikhuizen: Anti-Judaism in Gnostic Texts?;178
13.1;1. The identification of the Biblical God with the Gnostic Demiurge;178
13.2;2. The Gnostic repugnance for the Creator and Lord of the physical world;180
13.3;2. Consequences for the Gnostic evaluation of the first chapters of Genesis;181
13.4;4. Stages in the development of the Gnostic myth;185
13.5;5. Patristic refutations and trends in recent scholarship;186
13.6;6. The Gospel of Judas;188
14;Alban Massie, SJ: Law vs Grace and Truth (John 1:17)?;190
14.1;1. Violence in Augustine's language against Jews;193
14.2;2. The interpretation of John 1:17 in Contra Faustum manichaeum;196
14.3;3. John 1:17 in the Tractatus 3 on John's Gospel;200
14.4;4. Conclusion;203
15;Brian J. Matz: “Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees”;206
15.1;1. Early Christian Citations of Matt 16:6–12;206
15.2;2. Brief survey of the text's reception;208
15.3;3. Exegesis by word associations;210
15.4;4. Exegesis by theological associations;212
15.5;5. Exegesis by hermeneutical associations;215
15.6;6. Exegesis by socio-ethical associations;217
15.7;7. Summary;219
16;Martin Meiser: Matt 27:25 in Ancient Christian Writings;222
16.1;1. Beginnings of Christian Anti-Judaism;223
16.1.1;1.1 The second century;223
16.1.2;1.2 Origen;225
16.1.3;1.3 Eusebius of Caesarea;226
16.2;2. Anti-Judaism in the Ongoing Fourth Century;227
16.2.1;2.1 Anti-Jewish Legislation I;227
16.2.2;2.2 Jerusalem;228
16.2.3;2.3 Syria;228;2.3.1 Antioch;228;2.3.2 The Border Region of Persia;229;(a) Aphrahat;229;(b) Ephraem the Syrian;229
16.2.4;2.4 Asia Minor;230
16.2.5;2.5 Alexandria;231
16.3;3. Anti-Judaism in the Fifth Century;231
16.3.1;3.1 Anti-Jewish Legislation II;231
16.3.2;3.2 Christian Historiographers;232;3.2.1 Sozomenos;232;3.2.2 Theodoret of Cyrus;233;3.2.3 Anonymus of Cyzicus;234;3.2.4 Evagrius Scholasticus;234
16.3.3;3.3 The Reception of Matt 27:25;234;3.3.1 Cyril of Alexandria;234;3.3.2 The Gospel of Gamaliel;235
16.4;4. Exegetical aspects;235
16.4.1;4.1 The Wording of the Introductory Formula;235
16.4.2;4.2 Biblical Pre-texts;236
16.4.3;4.3 Matt 27:25 and Biblical Obstacles;238
16.5;5. Conclusion;240
17;Riemer Roukema: Origen, the Jews, and the New Testament;242
17.1;1. Origen's hermeneutic;243
17.2;2. Origen's interpretations of anti-Jewish texts in the New Testament;245
17.3;3. Origen's view of the Jews in daily life;251
17.4;4. Conclusion;253
18;List of Abbreviations;256
19;Index of Ancient and Modern Authors;259

Amirav, Hagit
Dr. phil. Hagit Amirav ist Professorin für die Patristik und die Geschichte der Spätantike an der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Amsterdam.

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