E-Book, Englisch, Band 118, 264 Seiten
Reihe: Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments
Amirav / Roukema / Ebner The ‘New Testament’ as a Polemical Tool
1. Auflage 2018
ISBN: 978-3-647-59376-0
Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection
Studies in Ancient Christian Anti-Jewish Rhetoric and Beliefs
E-Book, Englisch, Band 118, 264 Seiten
Reihe: Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments
ISBN: 978-3-647-59376-0
Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection
Weitere Infos & Material
1;Title Page;4
4;Riemer Roukema / Hagit Amirav: Introduction;8
5;Martin C. Albl: Ancient Christian Authors on Jews and Judaism;16
5.1;1. Introduction: limiting the scope;16
5.2;2. Who are the Jews? Covenant and Law;17
5.3;3. The adversus Judaeos Literature;19
5.4;4. Christian Presuppositions in Addressing Judaism;22
5.5;5. Jews between Pagans and Christians: The Three Race Schema;23
5.6;6. Distinctions within the Law: “Natural law” and the “Second Law”;25
5.7;7. Purpose of the Law;27
5.7.1;7.1 Curbing the Vices Learned in Egypt;27
5.7.2;7.2 Law as Disciplinary and Healing;28
5.7.3;7.3 Law as Punitive;30
5.8;8. Spiritual Interpretations of the Law;30
5.9;9. Interpretations of Specific Commandments of the Law;31
5.9.1;9.1 Purpose of circumcision;32;9.1.1 Historical Purpose: a Sign of Identity for the Sake of the Messiah;32;9.1.2 Historical Purpose: Polemical Interpretations of Circumcision;33;9.1.3 Spiritual Interpretations of Circumcision;34
5.9.2;9.2 Food Laws: Historical and Spiritual Interpretations;34
5.9.3;9.3 Sabbath: Historical and Spiritual Interpretations;35
5.9.4;9.4 Sacrifice: Historical and Spiritual Interpretations;36
5.10;10. The Logic of Supersession: New Law and New Covenant;36
5.11;11. The Abrogation of the Old Covenant: Various Views;37
5.12;12. Jewish Failure to Understand the Law and Christ;39
5.12.1;12.1 Misunderstanding Due to a Literal Reading of Scripture;39
5.12.2;12.2 Misunderstanding Due to Reading without Faith;40
5.12.3;12.3 Misunderstanding Due to God's Punishment;41
5.12.4;12.4 Misunderstanding Due to the Unbelieving Nature of the Jews;41
5.13;13. Jews and Jesus' Death;42
5.13.1;13.1 Jews Alone Killed Jesus;42
5.13.2;13.2 Jews as Murderers of God;44
5.13.3;13.3 Jewish History as a Trail of Crimes Culminating in the Killing of Jesus;44
5.13.4;13.4 An Alternative Non-polemical Passion Tradition;45
5.14;14. God's Punishment of the Jews: Destruction of Jerusalem;46
5.15;15. Perpetual Punishment of the Jews;47
5.16;16. The Fate of Contemporary Jews;48
5.16.1;16.1 Jews as Living Anachronisms;48
5.16.2;16.2 Augustine's Witness Doctrine;49
5.17;17. Characteristics of Contemporary Jews;50
5.17.1;17.1 Arrogance and Parochialism of the Jew;50
5.17.2;17.2 Law-breakers or Fastidious Observance of the Law?;50
5.17.3;17.3 The Higher Moral Plane of Contemporary Jews;51
5.18;18. Differentiation Among the Jews;52
5.19;19. The Jew as Unorthodox Christian;53
5.20;20. Conclusions;55
6;Hagit Amirav / Cornelis Hoogerwerf: Why Argue?;58
7;Harald Buchinger: Melito, „Israel“ und die Bibel beider Testamente;74
7.1;1. Melito und das Judentum;75
7.1.1;1.1 Melito und die jüdische Paschafeier;75;1.1.1 Schildert Melito eine jüdische Paschafeier?;75;1.1.2 Melito und die Pesachhaggada;76;(a) Die klassische Forschungsfrage nach Berührungen;77;(b) Das revisionistische Modell der jüngeren Forschung;80
7.1.2;1.2 Melitos Antijudaismus;81;1.2.1 Der Befund: Melito – „the first poet of deicide“ (Eric Werner);81;1.2.2 Reaktiver Antijudaismus? Eine hinfällige Erklärung;83
7.2;2. Melito und die Bibel;84
7.2.1;2.1 Melitos Hermeneutik der Bibel;84;2.1.1 Anwendung und Reflexion von Typologie;84;2.1.2 Entwertung und Entleerung des Typos;86
7.2.2;2.2 Melito und das Neue Testament;88;2.2.1 Hermeneutische Theorie der zweiteiligen Bibel;88;2.2.2 Verwendung des Neuen Testaments;89
8;James Carleton Paget: Barnabas' anti-Jewish Use of Some New Testament Texts: Fact or Fiction?;92
8.1;1. Introduction;92
8.2;2. The case of Barnabas;93
8.3;3. Matthew;97
8.4;4. Paul;100
8.5;5. The Epistle to the Hebrews;105
8.6;6. Barnabas and John;109
8.7;7. Conclusion;110
9;Maya Goldberg: Theodore of Mopsuestia on Divine Paideia;114
9.1;1. Theodore's general views on divine paideia in the Old Testament;115
9.2;2. The Mosaic Law;118
9.3;3. The nature of Diyarbakir 22;118
9.4;4. Analysis;120
9.4.1;4.1.1 The Divine Promise and the Mosaic Law (Gal 3:18);122
9.4.2;4.1.2 The nature of Q2 in this section;122
9.4.3;4.2.1 Law and Sin (Gal 3:21–2);123
9.4.4;4.2.2 The nature of Q2 in this section;124
9.4.5;4.3.1 Allegories, similes and the two Testaments (Gal 4:22–4);125
9.4.6;4.3.2 The nature of Q2 in this section;129
9.5;4.4 The curse of the Law and the universal absence of blessing (3:10);131
9.5.1;4.5.1 The Law and the faith (3:11);132
9.5.2;4.5.2 The nature of Q2 in this section;132
9.5.3;4.6.1 The debt to the Law (3:13);133
9.5.4;4.6.2 The nature of Q2 in this section;134
9.6;4.7 The error of the Galatians (3:2);135
10;5. Conclusion;136
11;Wolfgang Grünstäudl: Blutruf und Teufelskindschaft;138
11.1;1. Einführung;138
11.2;2. Das Neue Testament bei Justin;140
11.3;3. Anti-jüdische Polemik und die Rezeption später neutestamentlicher Texte;143
11.3.1;3.1 „Sein Blut komme über uns und unsere Kinder“ (Mt 27,25);143
11.3.2;3.2 „Ihr seid aus dem Vater, dem Teufel“ (Joh 8,44);150
11.4;4. Zusammenfassung;156
12;Hans van Loon: The Role of the New Testament in Cyril of Alexandria's Attitude towards Jews and Judaism;158
12.1;1. The New Testament and Cyril's Hermeneutics of the Old Testament;159
12.2;2. The Leaders of the Jews in Christ's Time;165
12.3;3. Other Key Texts in Cyril's Writings;167
12.4;4. Cyril's Actual Contact with Jews in Alexandria;170
12.5;5. Conclusion;176
13;Gerard P. Luttikhuizen: Anti-Judaism in Gnostic Texts?;178
13.1;1. The identification of the Biblical God with the Gnostic Demiurge;178
13.2;2. The Gnostic repugnance for the Creator and Lord of the physical world;180
13.3;2. Consequences for the Gnostic evaluation of the first chapters of Genesis;181
13.4;4. Stages in the development of the Gnostic myth;185
13.5;5. Patristic refutations and trends in recent scholarship;186
13.6;6. The Gospel of Judas;188
14;Alban Massie, SJ: Law vs Grace and Truth (John 1:17)?;190
14.1;1. Violence in Augustine's language against Jews;193
14.2;2. The interpretation of John 1:17 in Contra Faustum manichaeum;196
14.3;3. John 1:17 in the Tractatus 3 on John's Gospel;200
14.4;4. Conclusion;203
15;Brian J. Matz: “Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees”;206
15.1;1. Early Christian Citations of Matt 16:6–12;206
15.2;2. Brief survey of the text's reception;208
15.3;3. Exegesis by word associations;210
15.4;4. Exegesis by theological associations;212
15.5;5. Exegesis by hermeneutical associations;215
15.6;6. Exegesis by socio-ethical associations;217
15.7;7. Summary;219
16;Martin Meiser: Matt 27:25 in Ancient Christian Writings;222
16.1;1. Beginnings of Christian Anti-Judaism;223
16.1.1;1.1 The second century;223
16.1.2;1.2 Origen;225
16.1.3;1.3 Eusebius of Caesarea;226
16.2;2. Anti-Judaism in the Ongoing Fourth Century;227
16.2.1;2.1 Anti-Jewish Legislation I;227
16.2.2;2.2 Jerusalem;228
16.2.3;2.3 Syria;228;2.3.1 Antioch;228;2.3.2 The Border Region of Persia;229;(a) Aphrahat;229;(b) Ephraem the Syrian;229
16.2.4;2.4 Asia Minor;230
16.2.5;2.5 Alexandria;231
16.3;3. Anti-Judaism in the Fifth Century;231
16.3.1;3.1 Anti-Jewish Legislation II;231
16.3.2;3.2 Christian Historiographers;232;3.2.1 Sozomenos;232;3.2.2 Theodoret of Cyrus;233;3.2.3 Anonymus of Cyzicus;234;3.2.4 Evagrius Scholasticus;234
16.3.3;3.3 The Reception of Matt 27:25;234;3.3.1 Cyril of Alexandria;234;3.3.2 The Gospel of Gamaliel;235
16.4;4. Exegetical aspects;235
16.4.1;4.1 The Wording of the Introductory Formula;235
16.4.2;4.2 Biblical Pre-texts;236
16.4.3;4.3 Matt 27:25 and Biblical Obstacles;238
16.5;5. Conclusion;240
17;Riemer Roukema: Origen, the Jews, and the New Testament;242
17.1;1. Origen's hermeneutic;243
17.2;2. Origen's interpretations of anti-Jewish texts in the New Testament;245
17.3;3. Origen's view of the Jews in daily life;251
17.4;4. Conclusion;253
18;List of Abbreviations;256
19;Index of Ancient and Modern Authors;259