Analysis of Cannabis | Buch | 978-0-444-64341-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 516 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 430 g

Analysis of Cannabis

Buch, Englisch, 516 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 430 g

ISBN: 978-0-444-64341-4
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Analysis of Cannabis, Volume 91, contains a wide variety of information on the analysis of cannabis and hemp, including cannabinoids, terpenes, volatile solvents and metals. Specific chapters in this new release include the Comprehensive Analytical Testing of Cannabis and Hemp, Machine Learning Methods for Inferring Chemotype Profiles in Cannabis Sativa, Recent Analytical Methodologies and Strategic Pharmacological Applications of Cannabinoids, Analysis of Cannabinoids in Plants, Marijuana Products and Biological Tissues, LC-based (UV and MS) Analysis of Cannabinoids, Testing Cannabis Samples for Heavy Metal Contamination using Microwave Assisted Digestion and ICP-MS Techniques, Applications of GC-MS Techniques for Cannabis Analysis, and much more.
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<p>Academic, government and industrial sectors, especially in environmental, biological, medical and food analytical fields. From young to senior scientists who need to advance their knowledge on cannabis and hemp analyses.</p>

Weitere Infos & Material

Current overview of methods for cannabis analysis 1. Comprehensive Analytical Testing of Cannabis and Hemp 2. Machine Learning Methods for Inferring Chemotype Profiles in Cannabis Sativa 3. Recent analytical methodologies and strategic pharmacological applications of cannabinoids 4. Analysis of cannabinoids in plants, marijuana products and biological tissues 5. LC-based (UV and MS) analysis of cannabinoids 6. Testing Cannabis Samples for Heavy Metal Contamination using Microwave Assisted Digestion and ICP-MS Techniques

Applications of GC-MS techniques for cannabis analysis 7. State of the Art Solventless Sample Preparation Alternatives for Analytical Evaluation of the Volatile Constituents of Different Cannabis Based Products 8. Quantitation of Terpenoids Using High-Temperature Headspace Sampling 9. Analysis of Terpenes in Hemp by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry: Isomer Identification Analysis 10. Characterizing Multiple Cannabis Compound Classes in a Single Analysis using an Optimized GCxGC-TOFMS Method

Applications of LC-MS techniques for cannabis analysis 11. Using sesame seed oil to preserve and concentrate cannabinoids for paper spray mass spectrometry 12. Cannabinoid Analysis using HPLC and SFC 13. Cannabis and Hemp Analyzers for Improved Cannabinoid Potency, Accuracy and Reproducibility 14. The Analysis of Pesticides and Cannabinoids in Plant and Extracts Using LC-MS/MS 15. Marijuana Safety: Potency of Cannabinoids, Pesticide Residues, and Mycotoxin in One Analysis by LC/MS/MS 16. Quantitating Cannabinoids in Edible Chocolates 17. Analyses of cannabinoids in hemp oils by LC-TOF-MS 18. The estimation of cannabis consumption through wastewater analysis 19. GC/EI-MS and HPLC/ESI-MSn Characterization of Cannabinoids and related Compounds in Cannabis and Cannabis Products

Thurman, Michael E.
Dr. E. Michael Thurman is currently a Research Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of Colorado in 1979. He is also an Emeritus Scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey, where he worked on pesticide and groundwater chemistry for 30 years. His bibliography consists of more than 200 publications in environmental chemistry, including more than 150 journal articles. Dr. Thurman has published six books dedicated to the chemical analysis of pesticides and natural products, sample preparation, and liquid and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, and accurate mass analysis. He is a highly cited scientist in environmental chemistry with over 17,000 citations (h-index of 64). Both, Drs Ferrer and Thurman co-founded the Center for Environmental Mass Spectrometry in 2008 at the University of Colorado where they still work as a team. Their main reward is to have a state-of-the-art laboratory with some of the best and unique analytical tools for the detection of environmental compounds, and to be a reference for the scientists working in this field.

Ferrer, Imma
Dr. Imma Ferrer is a Research Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder. She completed her Ph.D. at the Univesity of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) in 1999 and afterwards did a post-doc with the U.S. Geological Survey at the National Water Quality Laboratory in Denver, CO. She also worked at the University of Almeria as an Associate Researcher for 5 years. She has more than 24 years experience on developing methods for emerging contaminants using LC-MS techniques and collaborating with industry helping to improve instrumentation. Dr. Ferrer is author of more than 100 peer review papers (h-index of 48, same as her age!) and chapters and has co-edited 3 books on LC-MS and GC-MS applications for the analysis of organic contaminants in the environment. She was recently appointed as an Associate Editor of the Elsevier Journal Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry. Both, Drs Ferrer and Thurman co-founded the Center for Environmental Mass Spectrometry in 2008 at the University of Colorado where they still work as a team. Their main reward is to have a state-of-the-art laboratory with some of the best and unique analytical tools for the detection of environmental compounds, and to be a reference for the scientists working in this field.

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