Aqil | Textbook of Hospital, Clinical and Community Pharmacy Practice | Buch | 978-81-312-2831-9 |

Buch, Englisch


Textbook of Hospital, Clinical and Community Pharmacy Practice

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-81-312-2831-9
Verlag: Elsevier India

Salient Features

- Covers all the topics included in the various approved syllabi of hospital, clinical and community pharmacy

- Provides an integrated conceptual understanding of all the above components of pharmacy practice with relevant examples

- Highlights the relevance of drug formulary and rational drug use concepts in modern-day pharmacy practice

- Explores recent additions in the field of pharmacy practice including pharmacovigilance, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics and social pharmacy

- Provides recapitulation of the subject matter through relevant revision questions
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Weitere Infos & Material


Foreword viiPreface ix

Acknowledgements xi

Contributors xiii

Part A Theory

Chapter 1. States of Matter 3

Chapter 2. Micromeritics 23

Chapter 3. Pharmaceutical Rheology 65

Chapter 4. Surface and Interfacial Phenomena 99

Chapter 5. Buffers and Isotonic Solutions 141

Chapter 6. Complexation and Protein Binding 161

Chapter 7. Colloidal Dispersions 191

Chapter 8. Pharmaceutical Suspensions 203

Chapter 9. Pharmaceutical Emulsions 223

Chapter 10. Diffusion and Drug Release 249

Chapter 11. Drug Dissolution 263

Chapter 12. Kinetics, Degradation and Stability 285

Part B Theory

Experiment 1 Ternary Phase Diagram 333

Experiment 2 Particle Size by Optical Microscopy 336

Experiment 3 Particle Size by Sieving 338

Experiment 4 Flow Property of Powder 341

Experiment 5 Angle of Repose 344

Experiment 6 density determination 347

Experiment 7 Ostwald Viscometer 349

Experiment 8 Falling Sphere Viscometer 351

Experiment 9 Spreading Coefficient 353

Experiment 10 Critical Micelle Concentration 355

Experiment 11 Buffer Preparation 358

Experiment 12 Colloidal Solution 360

Experiment 13 Physical Stability of Suspension 361

Experiment 14 Dissolution Profile of Tablet 364

Experiment 15 Kinetics-I 368

Experiment 16 Kinetics-II 372

Part C Theory

Multiple Choice Questions (Useful for GPAT aspirants) 379

MCQ Answer Key 396

Index 397

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