Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences | Brepols | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Französisch

Erscheinungsweise: halbjährlich

Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences

Zeitschrift, Französisch

Erscheinungsweise: halbjährlich

ISSN 00039810

The Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences aim to publish works in history of science, epistemology and philosophy of science in various fields : from biology to medicine, from mathematics to astronomy, by way of the physical and chemical sciences, and also including arts and architecture and studies considering the institutional and political circumstances that create the contexts where sciences have developed.

The Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences aim to be a place to publish original works. Hence the Archives give priority to new discoveries and interpretations which enrich, deepen, and renew knowledge in the fields in which the journal is concerned, for all cultural areas from Antiquity to contemporary times.

The Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences publish 2 issues per year in six languages: English, French, Italian, German, Russian, and Spanish. Each issue should contain varied and duly evaluated contributions, as well as individual articles, thematic sets of papers, and reviews of recent books.

The Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences are the official organ of the International Academy of the History of Sciences. Their publication is also supported by the Paris Observatory which is the seat of the International Academy of the History of Sciences. They are published and distributed by Brepols in both paper and electronic form.
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