Armani / Chalyan / Sampson | Biophotonics and Biosensing | Buch | 978-0-443-18840-4 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

Armani / Chalyan / Sampson

Biophotonics and Biosensing

From Fundamental Research to Clinical Trials Through Advances of Signal and Image Processing
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
ISBN: 978-0-443-18840-4
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

From Fundamental Research to Clinical Trials Through Advances of Signal and Image Processing

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-0-443-18840-4
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Biophotonics and Biosensing brings together the knowledge of the basic principles of the field of light-biological tissue interaction, detection methods, data processing techniques, and research, diagnostic, and clinical applications. It is suitable for new entrants to the field, while also highlighting the latest developments for experts. This volume includes perspectives by leading experts from the biophotonics and biosensing, biomedical engineering, and data science communities. The book provides a basic grounding in the key theoretical principles and practical components of biophotonics and biosensing. Working principles of devices used in spectroscopy, microscopy, and optical sensing are presented, along with their application domains. The reader will learn about existing microscopy-based techniques used in biomedical applications for diagnosis and get to know different signal- and image-processing algorithms, including the state of the art in artificial intelligence approaches, as used in biophotonics. Finally, the book describes through concrete examples, including sample preparation and measurement approaches, how the field has developed, thanks to the integration of biophotonics and optical biosensing with advanced signal and image-processing.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part One: Background and principles of biophotonics and optical biosensing 1. Tissue optics 2. Optical biosensors: from working principles of to detection methods of label-free devices Part Two: Microscopy techniques and optical biosensing in research, laboratory, and clinical applications 3. Fluorescence microscopy: backbone of modern biomedical research 4. Raman spectroscopy - research lab analytics 5. Subwavelength periodic dielectric nanostructures for biochemical sensing 6. Integrated photonic and plasmonic biosensors 7. Optical fiber-based biosensing: applications in biology and medicine 8. Photonic biosensing at the point-of-care 9. Endomicroscopy 10. Optical coherence tomography technology in clinical applications Part Three: Advanced signal/image processing and data analysis methods for microscopy and sensing techniques 11. Innovations in signal/image processing and data analysis in optical microscopy 12. Recent innovations in signal and image processing and data analysis in Raman spectroscopy 13. AI-driven innovations in signal/image processing and data analysis for optical coherence tomography in clinical applications

Chalyan, Tatevik
Tatevik Chalyan is a postdoctoral researcher in the Brussels Photonics Team at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. Her research interests cover the fields of biophotonics and optical biosensing. Her work focuses on the nanofabrication and development of plasmonic substrates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and fluorescence microscopy, as well as the study of microring resonators and interferometer-based biosensors for refractive index sensing, optofluidic design, and validation. Moreover, she is an Optica Ambassador.

Armani, Andrea
Andrea Armani is jointly appointed at the Ellison Institute of Technology as the Senior Director of Physical Sciences and Engineering and at the University of Southern California as the Ray Irani Chair in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science. The overarching mission of her research is to develop nonlinear materials and integrated devices to advance microscopy and diagnostics. She is a Fellow of Optica, SPIE, NAI, and AAAS, and the impact of her work has been recognized by the World Economic Forum and others.

Sampson, David
David Sampson is Emeritus Professor at the University of Surrey and based in Perth, Western Australia. His overarching research interests are in the science and applications of light in medicine and biology, biomedical optics, and biophotonics. He is an authority in optical coherence tomography (OCT), with main interests in the microscope-in-a-needle (which targets surgical and biopsy guidance, for which he was awarded the IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Award and several other prizes), optical elastography (the micro-scale imaging of the mechanical properties of tissue), polarization-sensitive OCT and OCT angiography. His main application domains have been breast cancer, respiratory disease, and skin cancer. He is a fellow of AIMBE, IEEE, Optica, and SPIE.

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