Buch, Englisch, 752 Seiten, Gewicht: 1258 g
Buch, Englisch, 752 Seiten, Gewicht: 1258 g
ISBN: 978-1-86287-611-8
Verlag: Federation Press
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Contents Introduction Part One - Purposes of Labour Market Regulation Contextual Factors Shaping the Purpose of Labour Law: A Comparative Historical Perspective, Michael Quinlan Protectionism, Common Advocacy and Employer Interests: Business Contribution to Labour Market Regulation in Australia, Michael Barry, Marco Michelotti and Chris Nyland Regulating Bargaining and Contracting Systems in Australia, Margaret Lee Protecting and Promoting Small and Medium Enterprises: A Role for Labour Law in the New Labour Law Era? Karen Wheelwright A Regulatory Analysis of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth): Can it Effect Equality or Only Redress Harm? Belinda Smith Part Two - Labour Market Institutions and Regulatory Techniques The Repertoires of Labour Market Regulation, Peter Gahan and Peter Brosnan “Deregulation†of Labour Relations in Australia: Towards a More “Centred†Command and Control Model, John Howe “Money and Favoursâ€: Government Deployment of Public Wealth as an Instrument of Labour Regulation, John Howe Exclusionary Self-Regulation: A Critical Evaluation of the AMMA’s Proposal in the Mining Industry, Sean Cooney Cross-Jurisdictional Regulation of Commercial Contracts for Work Beyond the Traditional Relationship, Igor Nossar Industrial Tribunals and the Regulation of Bargaining, Andrew Frazer Regulating Dismissals: The Impact of Unfair Dismissal Legislation on the Common Law Contract of Employment, Carolyn Sutherland Trade Unions as Regulators: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives, Peter Gahan The Role of Employment Agencies in Structuring and Regulating Labour Markets, Elsa Underhill Part Three - Constituting the Labour Market Constituting and Regulating the Labour Market for Social and Economic Purposes, John Howe, Richard Johnstone and Richard Mitchell Immigration Control and the Shaping of Australia’s Labour Market: Conflicting Ideologies or Historical Imperatives? Mary Crock and Leah Friedman Re-Inventing Unemployment: Welfare Reform as Labour Market Regulation, Anthony O’Donnell Tax and the Regulatory Conception of Labour Law, Cameron Rider Which Law is Laggard? Regulation and the Gaps Between Labour Law and Social Security Law, Terry Carney, Gaby Ramia and Anna Chapman Reproducing Law’s Worker: Regulatory Tensions in the Pursuit of “Population, Participation and Productivityâ€, Rosemary Owens Regulating at the Work-Life Boundary: Towards Re-Integrating the Household into Labour Market Policy, K Lee Adams and Chris Geller Regulating Family through Employee Entitlements, Anna Chapman Negotiating Regulation: The State, the Professions and the Dilemma of Autonomy, Carla Lipsig-Mumme Constitutive Regulation of the Firm: Occupational Health and Safety, Dismissal, Discrimination and Sexual Harassment, Richard Johnstone and Nicky Jones Part Four - Labour Market Status, Forms of Engagement, and Rights and Obligations in Work Relationships Participation, Exchange, and Rights and Obligations in Labour Markets and Work Relationships, Anthony O’Donnell and Richard Mitchell A Generic Model of Regulating Supply Chain Outsourcing, Michael Rawling An Exploration of Control in the Context of Vertical Disintegration, Shelley Marshall Regulating Unequal Work Relationships for Fairness and Efficiency: A Study of Business Format Franchising, Joellen Riley Good Faith and Fair Dealing at Work, Andrew Stewart Regulating Collective Rights in Bargaining: Employees, Self-Employed Persons and Small Businesses, Shae McCrystal Regulating Occupational Health and Safety in a Changing Labour Market, Richard Johnstone The Regulation of Human Capital: Public Frameworks and Firm-Based Policies, Christopher Arup Job Security Laws: Constituting “Standard†and “Non-Standard†Employment, Joo-Cheong Tham Unauthorised Workers: Labouring Beneath the Law? Graeme Orr The Legal Regulation of Volunteer Work, Jill Murray Conclusion Labour Law and Labour Market Regulation: Current Varieties, New Possibilities, Christopher Arup Index