Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law | Brill | Nijhoff | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 3 Ausgaben pro Jahr

Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law

ISSN 13881906

Brill | Nijhoff

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 3 Ausgaben pro Jahr

ISSN 13881906
Brill | Nijhoff

The Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law is the world’s only law journal offering scholars a forum in which to present comparative, international and national research dealing specifically with issues of law and human rights in the Asia-Pacific region.
Neither a lobby group nor tied to any particular ideology, the Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law is a scientific journal dedicated to responding to the need for a periodical publication dealing with the legal challenges of human rights issues in one of the world’s most diverse and dynamic regions.

The journal will be a prime source of information and reference not only to legal scholars and students but also to all those who are in any way involved in human rights issues across the whole of the Asia-Pacific region. Politicians, civil servants, social activists, academics, lawyers, historians, sociologists, political scientists, students, diplomats, social researchers, journalists and others will find the Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law an invaluable source of relevant and timely information.
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International human rights law

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