Atkinson, J: Intermediate Algebra | Buch | 978-1-5165-3166-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 616 Seiten, Paperback

Atkinson, J: Intermediate Algebra

Buch, Englisch, 616 Seiten, Paperback

ISBN: 978-1-5165-3166-0
Verlag: Cognella Academic Publishing

Intermediate Algebra: Keeping it Simple emphasizes the basic math skills students need to succeed in a variety of major fields of study. This student-friendly text is filled with clear examples and practice problems, and incorporates study skills to support developmental math students.

The book opens with a brief introduction to the general idea of functions and associated notation. The remainder of the chapters are devoted to the study of specific algebraic functions including rational, absolute value, radical, and quadratic functions. There is a follow-up chapter on a deeper look at functions, including inverse functions and composition, before tackling the infamous logarithmic and exponential functions. The material also covers an introduction to complex numbers in the chapter on radicals, which are incorporated as solutions to quadratic equations in the following chapter.

Intermediate Algebra: Keeping it Simple is written to minimize anxiety and make math skills accessible. An ideal text for developmental students, the book can be used as a stand-alone text or as a reference guide for anyone in need of a quick review. It is also an excellent choice for bridging or fast-track programs.
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Judith Atkinson earned her master's degree in mathematics and her Ph.D. in civil engineering at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks where she currently teaches both face-to-face and online courses as a tenured professor. Her main focus has been developmental level algebra courses. Dr. Atkinson also teaches a math course for non-science majors, business algebra and calculus, and math for elementary school teachers. She helped develop the UAF Math Fast Track program and coauthored a textbook to go along with the program. Prior to entering the field of teaching, Dr. Atkinson worked as a civil engineer for the Alaska Department of Transportation.

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