Rafael Auras is an Assistant Professor in the School ofPackaging at Michigan State University. He has authored orcoauthored more than sixty publications. His research areas includemass transfer in polymers, biodegradable and compostable polymers,life cycle assessment, packaging waste, and sustainable packagingsystems.
Loong-Tak Lim is an Associate Professor in the Department ofFood Science at the University of Guelph. Dr. Lim is author andcoauthor of more than twenty journal articles, a holder of threepatents, and has given twenty-one conference presentations.
Susan Selke is Professor and Associate Director in the School ofPackaging at Michigan State University. Her research activities andinterests include life-cycle analysis, biodegradable and biobasedplastics, plastics composites, active packaging, microcellularfoaming of plastics, plastics recycling, and related areas. She hasauthored or coauthored more than 170 publications, including ninebooks.
Hideto Tsuji is a Professor in the Department of EcologicalEngineering, Graduate School of Engineering at Toyohashi Universityof Technology. He has authored or coauthored more than a hundredacademic papers, has edited three books, and holds twelvepatents.