Averill / Moulijn / van Santen | Catalysis: An Integrated Approach | Buch | 978-0-444-82963-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 602 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 1250 g

Averill / Moulijn / van Santen

Catalysis: An Integrated Approach

Buch, Englisch, 602 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 1250 g

ISBN: 978-0-444-82963-4
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

This book concentrates on industrially relevant reactions which are catalyzed by heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts. Homogeneous catalysis by metal complexes is treated jointly with heterogeneous catalysis using metallic and non-metallic solids. In both areas the high degree of sophistication of spectroscopic techniques and theoretical modelling has led to an enormous increase in our understanding at the molecular level. This holds for the kinetics of the reactions and the reactivities of the catalysts, as well as for the syntheses of the catalytic materials. The development of catalysis science since the first edition of this book has necessitated a thorough revision, including special chapters on biocatalysis, catalyst characterization and adsorption methods. The multidisciplinary nature of catalysis is reflected in the choice of a novel combination of basic disciplines which will be refreshing and inspiring to readers.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Section and chapter headings: Preface. Preface to the First Edition. Introductory Section. 1. History of Catalysis (A.P. Kieboom et al.). 2. Catalytic Processes in Industry (A.P.G. Kieboom et al.). 3. Chemical Kinetics of Catalyzed Reactions (F. Kapteijn et al.). Fundamental Catalysis. 4. Bonding and Elementary Steps in Catalysis (B.A. Averill et al.). 5. Heterogeneous Catalysis (B.K. Hodnett et al.). 6. Homogeneous Catalysis with Transition Metal Complexes (G. van Koten, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen). 7. Biocatalysis (B.A. Averill et al.). Applied Catalysis. 8. Catalytic Reaction Engineering (F. Kapteijn et al.). 9. Preparation of Catalyst Supports, Zeolites and Mesoporous Materials (E.B.M. Doesburg et al.). 10. Preparation of Supported Catalysts (J.W. Geus et al.). Catalyst Characterization. 11. Catalyst Characterization with Spectroscopic Techniques (J. Niemantsverdriet). 12. Catalyst Characterization and Mimicking Pretreatment Procedures by Temperature-Programmed Techniques (F. Kapteijn et al.). 13. Adsorption Methods for the Assessment of the Specific Surface Area, the Pore Size Distribution and the Active Sites of Heterogeneous Catalysts (J.A. Lercher). Subject index.

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