Baber | The Free Movement of Capital and Financial Services: An Exposition? | Buch | 978-1-4438-6359-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 590 Seiten


The Free Movement of Capital and Financial Services: An Exposition?

Buch, Englisch, 590 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4438-6359-9
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

This book investigates in depth the compliance of the financial services legislation of Estonia and Poland with the free movement of capital provisions of European Union law. A sample of the financial services legislation from each of three further European Union Member States is assessed for compliance with these rules, in the light of the conclusions drawn from the comprehensive studies. General comments and recommendations are made in respect of the free movement of capital and of services. Implications for the financial services sector are drawn from the research.
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Baber, Graeme
Graeme Baber is an LL.M. Senior Lecturer at BPP University Law School, specialising in international financial and corporate law. He publishes regularly and extensively in the law of financial services regulation. He is a contributor at international conferences, particularly the Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime. He has written works on the taxation of corporate debt, thin capitalisation and computer sciences. He has previously published a seminal work entitled The Impact of Legislation and Regulation on the Freedom of Movement of Capital in Estonia, Poland and Latvia, with Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Dr Baber's enthusiasm for music, especially of the baroque period, has led to the composition of both sacred and secular pieces. He is also a church organist.

Graeme Baber is an LL.M. Senior Lecturer at BPP University Law School, specialising in international financial and corporate law. He publishes regularly and extensively in the law of financial services regulation. He is a contributor at international conferences, particularly the Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime. He has written works on the taxation of corporate debt, thin capitalisation and computer sciences. He has previously published a seminal work entitled The Impact of Legislation and Regulation on the Freedom of Movement of Capital in Estonia, Poland and Latvia, with Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Dr Baber's enthusiasm for music, especially of the baroque period, has led to the composition of both sacred and secular pieces. He is also a church organist.

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