Barclay / Savage | Groovy Programming | Buch | 978-0-12-372507-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 496 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

Barclay / Savage

Groovy Programming

An Introduction for Java Developers
Erscheinungsjahr 2007
ISBN: 978-0-12-372507-3
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

An Introduction for Java Developers

Buch, Englisch, 496 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

ISBN: 978-0-12-372507-3
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Groovy Programming is an introduction to the Java-based scripting language Groovy. Groovy has much in common with popular scripting languages such as Perl, Python, and Ruby, but is written in a Java-like syntax. And, unlike these other languages, Groovy is sanctioned by the Java community for use on the Java platform. Since it is based on Java, applications written in Groovy can make full use of the Java Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs). This means Groovy can integrate seamlessly with applications written in Java, while avoiding the complexities of the full Java language. This bare-bones structure also means Groovy can be used as an introduction to Java and to programming in general. Its simpler constructions and modern origins make it ideal as a first language and for introducing principles such as object-oriented programming.
This book introduces all the major aspects of Groovy development and emphasizes Groovy's potential as a learning tool. Case studies and exercises are included, along with numerous programming examples. The book begins assuming only a general familiarity with Java programming, and progresses to discuss advanced topics such as GUI builders, Groovlets, Unit Testing, and Groovy SQL.

- The first comprehensive book on Groovy programming that shows how writing applications and scripts for the Java platform is fast and easy
- Written by leading software engineers and acclaimed computing instructors
- Offers numerous programming examples, code samples, detailed case studies, exercises for self-study, and a companion website with a Windows-based Groovy editor
Barclay / Savage Groovy Programming jetzt bestellen!


Java programmers and those learning Java. Students learning a programming language for the first time.

Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1: Groovy

Chapter 2: Numbers and Expressions

Chapter 3: Strings and Regular Expressions

Chapter 4: Lists, Maps, and Ranges

Chapter 5: Simple Input and Output

Chapter 6: Case study

Chapter 7: Methods

Chapter 8: Flow of Control

Chapter 9: Closures

Chapter 10: Files

Chapter 11: Case study

Chapter 12: Classes

Chapter 13: Case study

Chapter 14: Inheritance

Chapter 15: Unit testing (junit)

Chapter 16: Case study

Chapter 17: Persistence

Chapter 18: Case study

Chapter 19: XML Builders and Parsers

Chapter 20: GUI Builders

Chapter 21: Template Engines

Chapter 22: Case study

Chapter 23: Server-side Programming

Chapter 24: Case study

Chapter 25: Epilogue

Software Distribution


More on Numbers and Expressions

More on Strings and Regular Expressions

More on Lists, Maps, and Ranges

More on Simple Input and Output

More on Methods

More on Closures

More on Classes

Advanced Closures

More on Builders

More on GUI Builders



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