E-Book, Englisch, 874 Seiten, eBook
Barrett / Rageade / Wallis The Future of Legal Europe: Will We Trust in It?
1. Auflage 2021
ISBN: 978-3-030-68253-8
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 1 - PDF Watermark
Liber Amicorum in Honour of Wolfgang Heusel
E-Book, Englisch, 874 Seiten, eBook
ISBN: 978-3-030-68253-8
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 1 - PDF Watermark
Weitere Infos & Material
Foreword: A Tribute to Wolfgang – and a Lament on Shared Worries
by Pauliine Koskelo.-
by Gavin Barrett, Jean-Philippe Rageade, Diana Wallis, and Heinz Weil.-
Gedanken zu einigen Aspekten juristischer Wissensvermittlung
by Josef Azizi.-
Zum Kräfteverhältnis der europäischen Institutionen
by Katarina Barley.-
Coronavirus and EU Law – Driving the Next Stage of Economic and Monetary Union?
by Gavin Barrett.-
The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Regulatory Perspective
by Christopher Buttigieg and Gerd Sapiano.-
The Breach of Union Law Procedure and the European Supervisory Agencies (ESAs): An Effective Tool Suffering from an Expectation Gap
by Pierre-Henri Conac.-
The EU Recovery Plan: New Dynamics in the Financing of the EU Budget
by Richard Crowe.-
Blanchiment d’argent : obligation de dénonciation de soupçons et secret professionnel de l’avocat – Quelques variations sur un arrêt du 24 septembre 2020 de la Cour constitutionnelle belge
by Georges-Albert Dal.-
La Protection des Intérêts Financiers de l’Union européenne : un parcours de trois décennies
by Francesco De Angelis.-
Mutual Recognition of Public Prosecutors’ Decisions: A Critical Analysis in Light of the European Arrest Warrant
by Aileen Donnelly and Mary Hastings.-
Brexit – A Schottisch Perspective
by David Edward.-
The Strategic and Regulatory Framework for Autonomous Mobility in the European Union
by Judit Fazekas and Gergely Deli.-
Appealing the Decision to Refer a Question to the CJEU: Is it Allowed?
by Nial Fennelly.-
Internationale Zuständigkeit bei Klagen wegen Verspätung oder Annullierung von Flügen
by Angelika Fuchs.-
by Les droits politiques de la citoyenneté européenne après le Traité de Lisbonne
Gregorio Garzón Clariana.-
Justice 4.0 – D’outils numériques pour la Justice à une Justice numérique
by Roland Genson and Xavier Thoreau.-
Financial Implications of the EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Will the Next Multiannual Financial Framework Cover the Costs?
by Iris Goldner Lang.-
Cooperation between Authorities in Child Protection Matters
by Cristina González Beilfuss.-
Open Data und die neue Europäische Datenstrategie
by Waltraud Hakenberg.-
Die Sicherung der Qualität der anwaltlichen Tätigkeit im deutschen Recht und das unionsrechtliche Kohärenzprinzip
by Hans-Jürgen Hellwig.-
Google Spain and Google – Not to Be Forgotten!
by Niilo Jääskinen.-
Comment l’Union européenne contribue-t-elle au respect de la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE) ?
by Catherine Kessedjian.-
The German Constitutional Court’s Challenge to the Court of Justice of the European Union – Problems, Consequences, Possible Solutions: The PSPP Judgment of the German Constitutional Court of 5 May 2020
y Irena Kucina.-
European Court of Human Rights in Service of the People?
by Julia Laffranque.-
Mérites et Limites de l’Europe du Droit
by Alain Lamassoure.-
Shadows and Illusions in European Private International Law: Reflections on Reflexive Effect
by Alexander Layton.-
Aus Krisen lernen: Der künftige Weg der Institutionen der Europäischen Union
by Klaus-Heiner Lehne.-
L’autonomie de l’ordre juridique de l’Union
by Koen Lenaerts.-
Die Verantwortung mitgliedstaatlicher Gerichte für die Autorität des Unionsrechts
by Peter-Christian Müller-Graff.-
Judicial Independence: a European and National Perspective by Rimvydas Norkus.- Some Notes on Face-to-face Judicial Training Performed in an EU Environment
by Luís Pereira.-
The Right to be Heard in Composite Investment Screening Procedures under Regulation 2019/452
by Jens Hillebrand Pohl.-
“Green(er) Civilian Power Europe’’ in the Era of the EU Green Deal: Giving Effect to the Environmental Sustainability Aspects of EU Trade Policy
by Kleoniki Pouikli.-
Expansive Judicial Control of the Common Foreign and Security Policy post-Lisbon and EU Global Strategy: Towards a Justiciable EU Shared Competence with the Member States
by Maria José Rangel de Mesquita.-
by Valérie Sagant.-
L’accès à un tribunal impartial, pierre angulaire du droit à un procès équitable: la composition de la formation de jugement après renvoi
by Octavia Spineanu-Matei.-
Regulating the Collaborative Economy in the European Union
by Maciej Szpunar.-
In-house Counsel: A Special Challenge for ERA… or not?
by Jettie Van Caenegem.-
Trusting the Union
by Marc Van der Woude.-
Through the Looking Glass Backwards; Teaching EU Law Post Brexit
by Diana Wallis.-
Der Rechtsanwalt als Unternehmer und Organ der Rechtspflege
by Heinz Weil.-
Online Platforms in the European Union Buffeted from all Sides: A Review of the European Commission’s Proposed New Competition Tool
by Michael Jürgen Werner.-
Private Enforcement Agents – The Newest Legal Profession in Bulgaria
by Dragomir Yordanov.-
Gerichtsbarkeit in Europa in und nach der COVID-19-Pandemie – längerfristige An- und Aussichten
by Edith Zeller.