Barzdins / Kirikova | Databases and Information Systems VI | Buch | 978-1-60750-687-4 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 224, 452 Seiten

Reihe: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications

Barzdins / Kirikova

Databases and Information Systems VI

Selected Papers from the Ninth International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 2010
Erscheinungsjahr 2011
ISBN: 978-1-60750-687-4
Verlag: IOS Press

Selected Papers from the Ninth International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 2010

Buch, Englisch, Band 224, 452 Seiten

Reihe: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications

ISBN: 978-1-60750-687-4
Verlag: IOS Press

This volume presents papers from the Ninth International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems (Baltic DB&IS 2010) which took place in Riga, Latvia in July 2010. Since this successful biennial series began in 1994, the Baltic DB&IS conferences have become an international forum of high scientific criteria for academics and practitioners in the field of databases and advanced information systems, as well as for the related areas of semantic technologies, ontologies and advanced software engineering technologies for information systems development and security.

The international program committee selected, after careful review of the 59 papers submitted by twelve different countries, a total of 28 papers for presentation. Of these, 27 revised and extended papers are collected in this book. The subjects covered include the integration and security of IS, semantic technologies for IS, domain specific tools and languages for IS, software engineering with models and ontologies, and model based data storages and business IS. This valuable overview of original research results will primarily be of interest to all those involved in the field of databases and information systems.

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