Dr. Syed Muzamil Basha is a distinguished professor at the REVA University, Bangalore, and Karnataka, India. He completed his postgraduate degree in Computer Science from the Vellore Institute of Technology at Vellore in 2011 and his Ph.D. in Sentiment Analysis from the Vellore Institute of Technology at Vellore in 2020. He has published more than 65 papers in refereed conferences and journals and has applied for or been granted more than 10 patents. Syed Muzamil Basha is doing his research in the areas of Text Analytics. The objective of his research is to address the challenges being faced in deriving critical
knowledge in effective decision making. The area of interest is Sentiment Analysis, Wireless Sensor Network, and Internet of Things (IOT).
Dr. Hamed Taherdoost is an award-winning leader and research and development professional. He is the Founder of Hamta Group Hamta Business Solution and Associate Professor & Chair of Research and Scholarly Activities Committee at University Canada West. He has over 20 years of experience in both industry and academic sectors. Hamed has been an active multidisciplinary researcher and R&D specialist involved in several academic and industrial research projects. He has been working with researchers from various disciplines and has been actively engaged in different research studies. His views on science and technology have been published in top-ranked scientific publishers such as Elsevier, Springer, Emerald, IEEE, IGI Global, Inderscience, Taylor and Francis and Dr. Hamed has published over 200 scientific articles in authentic peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings (h-index = 34; i10-index = 68; over 10,000 citations on Google Scholar; over 2.6 million reads and 4993 citations on ResearchGate; 142,165 downloads on SSRN till May 2023), 17 book chapters as well as 12 books in the field of technology and research methodology. He is a Certified Cyber Security Professional and Certified Graduate Technologist. He is senior member of IEEE, IAEEEE, IASED, IEDRC & HKSRA, Fellow Member of ISAC, WGM of IFIP TC11 - Assurance and Information
Security Management, and member of CSIAC, ACT-IAC, and AASHE. Currently, he is involved in several multidisciplinary research projects, including studying innovation in information technology, blockchain and cybersecurity, and technology acceptance.
Dr. Cleber Zanchettin is a Brazilian computer scientist who has made significant contributions to the field of machine learning and its applications. He has published over 140 papers in prestigious journals and conferences, covering topics such as neural networks, pattern recognition, image processing, natural language processing and cyber security. He has also received several awards and honors for his research and innovation, such as the IEEE Senior Member status and the Google Academic Prize. He is currently an associate professor at the FederalUniversity of Pernambuco and a visiting associate professor at Northwestern University in the United States. He is also involved in several projects with industry partners and social impact initiatives.