Bassett / Fry / Ballantyne-Scott | Facelifts for Special Libraries | Buch | 978-1-84334-591-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 180 Seiten, Gewicht: 280 g

Bassett / Fry / Ballantyne-Scott

Facelifts for Special Libraries

A Practical Guide to Revitalizing Diverse Physical and Digital Spaces

Buch, Englisch, 180 Seiten, Gewicht: 280 g

ISBN: 978-1-84334-591-6
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

Libraries/information centres are continuously evolving to keep up with rapid changes in information gathering, processing, and distribution. Corporate and non-profit special libraries face special challenges in revitalizing their physical space and providing efficient access to digital content. This book provides solo-librarians or special library managers with practical advice as to revitalize their libraries both in the physical space and the digital space. The book uses case studies, surveys and literature review to provide practical, innovative and evidence-based information to help special librarians develop information centres that will remain relevant to their organizations.
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About the authors


Chapter 1: Prepare

Assess your strengths

Assess your surroundings

Understand the needs of your users


Chapter 2: Build a great project team

Collaborating with other departments to meet patron needs

How project knowledge transfers within project teams

Knowledge management benchmarks for the team

The importance of tacit knowledge within the team

Successful consultation

Dealing with different personalities within the team

Team learning

The architect on the team

Chapter 3: Plan your project

Important project management techniques

Risk identification and management

Project manager competencies

Budgeting basics

Clearly define project scope, goals and objectives

Identify existing expertise

Cost savings

Chapter 4: Develop a layout


Circulation and reference desk and staff work space

User work space: computer desks, study areas and spaces for collaboration


Chapter 5: Interior design basics

The relationship between elements within the space

The importance of colour



Finishing touches

Chapter 6: Revitalising your digital environment

Planning your digital renovation

Renovating your web or intranet presence - simple techniques for keeping your users coming back to your website

To change or not to change - revitalising the library management system

Evaluating your current LMS or selecting a new one

Open source vs. proprietary LMSs

Other tools and techniques for revitalising your digital space

Chapter 7: Project completion and final thoughts


Bassett, Dawn
Dawn Bassett, BA, MLIS, earned her Masters of Library and Information Studies from the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies and has worked mainly as a professional corporate librarian in both for profit and not-for-profit special libraries - but has also worked in academic libraries and as an independent researcher.

Fry, Jenny
Jenny Fry, MA, MLIS, is an Information Services Librarian, Surrey Public Library. Jenny earned her Masters in Library and Information Studies from the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies at the University of British Columbia in 1999. She has worked in a variety of non-profit, corporate, and public libraries, including five years as the solo librarian for the BC Institute Against Family Violence.

Ballantyne-Scott, Brooke
Brooke Brooke Ballantyne-Scott, BA, MLIS is Colleague, Clinical Librarian for British Columbia Mental Health and Addiction Services. Brooke manages library sites at both Riverview Hospital and the Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission in Coquitlam, BC. The library provides mental health and addiction reference services to any professional working in the field on mental health and/or addictions in the province of British Columbia.

Dawn Bassett, BA, MLIS, earned her Masters of Library and Information Studies from the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies and has worked mainly as a professional corporate librarian in both for profit and not-for-profit special libraries - but has also worked in academic libraries and as an independent researcher.

Jenny Fry, MA, MLIS, is an Information Services Librarian, Surrey Public Library. Jenny earned her Masters in Library and Information Studies from the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies at the University of British Columbia in 1999. She has worked in a variety of non-profit, corporate, and public libraries, including five years as the solo librarian for the BC Institute Against Family Violence.

Brooke Brooke Ballantyne-Scott, BA, MLIS is Colleague, Clinical Librarian for British Columbia Mental Health and Addiction Services. Brooke manages library sites at both Riverview Hospital and the Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission in Coquitlam, BC. The library provides mental health and addiction reference services to any professional working in the field on mental health and/or addictions in the province of British Columbia.

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