Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 10th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS 2013), July 8-10, 2013, Dublin, Ireland
Buch, Englisch, 1330 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 2490 g
ISBN: 978-3-03785-796-0
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Technische Mechanik | Werkstoffkunde Zerstörungsfreie Werkstoffprüfung
- Technische Wissenschaften Bauingenieurwesen Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau, Baustatik
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Technische Mechanik | Werkstoffkunde Werkstoffprüfung
- Technische Wissenschaften Bauingenieurwesen Gebäudemanagement, Gebäudeschäden
- Technische Wissenschaften Bauingenieurwesen Mathematische Methoden, Computeranwendungen (Bauingenieurwesen)
Weitere Infos & Material
Preface and Committees and Sponsors
Keynote Presentations
A Full-Field Stress Based Damage Assessment Approach for In Situ Inspection of Composite Structures
Damage Assessment of Structures Using only Post-Damage Vibration Measurements
Chapter 1: Composite Materials
Simulation of Impact Damage in Foam-Based Sandwich Composites
Identification of Composite Delamination Using the Krawtchouk Moment Descriptor
Effect of Plate Curvature on Blast Response of Carbon/Epoxy Composite
Ultrasonically Assisted Drilling: Machining towards Improved Structural Integrity in Carbon/Epoxy Composites
Changes in the Dynamic Behaviour of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Elements with Increasing Damage
A Simulation-Based Monitoring of a Composite Plate Using an Integrated Vibration Measurement System
Damage Detection in Composite Materials Using Airborne Acoustics
Automated Damage Detection in Composite Components Using Acoustic Emission
Consumed Fatigue Life Assessment of Composite Material Structures by Optical Surface Roughness Inspection
Investigation of Nonlinear Vibro-Acoustic Wave Modulation Mechanisms in Composite Laminates
Investigation of Dynamic Fracture Behavior of Graphite
Numerical Procedures for Damage Mechanisms Analysis in CFRP Composites
Mechanical Characterization of Hybrid (Organic-Inorganic) Geopolymers
Non-Destructive Investigation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Composites via Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Chapter 2: Damage in Civil Infrastructure
Development of a Remote Collaborative Visual Inspection System for Road Condition Assessment
Polymeric Bearings – A New Base Isolation System to Reduce Structural Damage during Earthquakes
Symptom-Based Reliability Analysis and Remaining Service Life Prediction of Deteriorating RC Structures
Finite Element Analysis for Structural Performance of Offshore Platforms under Environmental Loads
Identifying Dynamic Characteristics of a Short-Span Viaduct from Vehicle-Induced Vibrations Considering Different Pavement and Parapet Conditions
NDT Data Fusion for the Enhancement of Defect Visualization in Concrete
Monitoring of Changes in Bridge Response Using Weigh-In-Motion Systems
Innovative Strategy to Reduce the Seismic Vulnerability of a RC Existing Building: Assessment and Retrofitting
Impact of Road Profile when Detecting a Localised Damage from Bridge Acceleration Response to a Moving Vehicle
Probabilistic Modelling of the Deterioration of Reinforced Concrete Port Infrastructure
Investigating the Use of Moving Force Identification Theory in Bridge Damage Detection
Testing and Monitoring for a Large Scale Truss Bridge Using Long-Gauge Fiber Optic Sensors
Evaluation of Timber-Concrete Floor Performance under Occupant-Induced Vibrations Using Continuous Monitoring
The Concept of Buildings Stability Monitoring and Damage Diagnostics
The Impact of the Gigacycle Fatigue on Steel Bridges
Damage Variation in Highway Bridge Piers for Rehabilitation with Different Reinforced Options
A Parametric Study of a Drive by Bridge Inspection System Based on the Morlet Wavelet
On the Seismic Performance of Elevated Water Tanks and their Control Using TLDs
Sustainable Design of Smart Health Facilities in Seismically Prone Areas
Rapid Assessment of Natural Periods of Large Short-Period Civil Engineering Structures
Seismic Damage Assessment of Regular Gravity Design Buildings
Re-Anchorage of a Ruptured Tendon in Bonded Post-Tensioned Concrete Beams: Model Validation
Post-Earthquake Damage Assessment Process and Problems in Turkey – A Case Study in Van Province
Pedestrian Timber Bridges: Experimental Investigation and Modelling
The Sensitivity of Vibration Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Beams under Incremental Static and Cyclic Loading
PolyVinyliDene Fluoride (PVDF) Material Based Energy Harvesting from Train and Damaged Bridge Interaction
Dynamic Testing and Long Term Monitoring of a Twelve Span Viaduct
Control Performance Evaluation to Avoid Pounding of Bridges
Assessment of Structural Reliability of Bridge Beams Based on Measured Symptoms
A Seismic Reliability Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Integral Bridges Subject to Corrosion
Diagnosis of Damage in a Steel Tank with Self-Supported Roof through Numerical Analysis
Evaluating the Structural Capacity of Concrete Elements through In Situ Instrumentation
Non-Destructive Tests for the Structural Assessment of a Historical Bridge over the Tua River
Experimental Analysis of Bending and Axial Crush Behaviour of Single Hat Longitudinal Rail
On the Assessment of Fatigue Damage in Railway Bridges
Chapter 3: Damage in Machineries
Failure Stress in Notched Paper Sheets
Spectral-Based Fatigue Assessment of Ball Grid Arrays under Aerospace Vibratory Environment
Detection of Bearing Spalling Faults Using IAS Monitoring System - Experimental Studies on the Influence of Operating and Environmental Parameters
Stochastic Modeling of Time Series with Application to Local Damage Detection in Rotating Machinery
Gear Fault Diagnosis Using Synchro-Squeezing Transform Based Feature Analysis
Modal Strain Energy Based Damage Detection Applied to a Full Scale Composite Helicopter Blade
Utilizing Data from a Sensorless AC Variable Speed Drive for Detecting Mechanical Misalignments
Bearings Fault Detection in Gas Compressor in Presence of High Level of Non-Gaussian Impulsive Noise
Concordia Transform-Based Current Analysis for Induction Motor Diagnosis
The Fault Characteristics of Planetary Gear System with Tooth Breakage
Spalling Size Evaluation of Rolling Element Bearing Using Acoustic Emission
Chapter 4: Renewable Energy
In-Service Measurement of the Small Wind Turbine Test Stand for Structural Health Monitoring
Rapid Assembly of Multifunctional Thin Film Sensors for Wind Turbine Blade Monitoring
Virtual Structural Monitoring of Wind Turbines Using Operational Modal Analysis Techniques
Non-Linear Aeroelastic Stability of Wind Turbines
Fatigue Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbines on Fixed Support Structures
Advanced Tools for Damage Detection in Wind Turbines
Damage Identification in a Laboratory Offshore Wind Turbine Demonstrator
Dynamic Responses of a Scaled Tension Leg Platform, Wind Turbine Support Structure in a Wave Tank
Simulation of the Stochastic Wave Loads Using a Physical Modeling Approach
Failure Analysis of Wind Turbines by Probability Density Evolution Method
Generalized Stochastic Constraint TARMA Models for In-Operation Identification of Wind Turbine Non-Stationary Dynamics
Numerical Modeling to Aid in the Structural Health Monitoring of Wave Energy Converters
Modal Analysis for Crack Detection in Small Wind Turbine Blades
Dynamic Stall on Rotating Airfoils: A Look at the N-Sequence Data from the NREL Phase VI Experiment
Feature Selection - Extraction Methods Based on PCA and Mutual Information to Improve Damage Detection Problem in Offshore Wind Turbines
On Structural Health Monitoring of Wind Turbine Blades
On the Modeling of Spar-Type Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
Offshore and Onshore Wind Energy Conversion: The Potential of a Novel Multiple-Generator Drivetrain
Monitoring Changes in the Soil and Foundation Characteristics of an Offshore Wind Turbine Using Automated Operational Modal Analysis
Active Tuned Mass Damper Control of Wind Turbine Nacelle/Tower Vibrations with Damaged Foundations
Active Blade Pitch Control for Straight Bladed Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine of New Design
Low-Cost Tower Root Fatigue Load Estimation for Structural Health Monitoring of Grouted Connections in Offshore Wind Turbines
Chapter 5: Sensing and Sensors
Damage Detection Using Electromechanical Impedance Technique Combined with Scanning Laser Vibrometry
Analyzing the Strain Sensing Response of Photoactive Thin Films Using Absorption Spectroscopy
Application of Piezo Sensors in EMI and Guided Wave Techniques
Characterization of CFRP Using Laser Vibrometry
Impact Localisation in Orthotropic Plates Using Flexural Wave Intensity Measurement
Sensors and Methods for Blade Damage Operational Assessment in Low-Pressure Steam Turbine Stages
Interpolation Damage Detection Method on a Suspension Bridge Model: Influence of Sensors Disturbances
Compressive Sensing for Structural Damage Detection of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Sensor Performance Assessment Based on a Physical Model and Impedance Measurements
The Status of Research on Self-Sensing Properties of CNT-Cement Based Composites and Prospective Applications to SHM
Vision-Based Sensing in Dynamic Tests
Wireless Sensor Network for Helicopter Rotor Blade Vibration Monitoring: Requirements Definition and Technological Aspects
An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Application of Rotation Rate Sensors in Non Destructive Damage Evaluation
How Many Vibration Response Sensors for Damage Detection & Localization on a Structural Topology? An Experimental Exploratory Study
Investigating the Flexural Behaviour of Foams at High Strain Rate Using Optical Measurement Techniques
Design and Validation of Embedded Piezoelectric Transducers for Damage Detection Applications in Concrete Structures
Sensor Fusion on Structural Monitoring Data Analysis: Application to a Cable-Stayed Bridge
Chapter 6: Signal Processing
Damage Detection of a Substructure Based on Response Reconstruction in Frequency Domain
Integrating Singular Spectrum Analysis with Damage Detection of Structure
A Two-Stage Scheme for Plate Damage Identification Based on Lock-in Thermography and Dynamic Analysis
Damage Detection in a Glass Plate Using Outlier Analysis
Numerical Studies on Wavelet-Based Crack Detection Based on Velocity Response of a Beam Subjecting to Moving Load
Two Dimensional Damage Localization Using the Interpolation Method
Spatial Filter for Operational Deflection Shape Component Filtration
Damage Detection in Nonlinear Structures Using Discrete-Time Volterra Series
Cointegration and the Empirical Mode Decomposition for the Analysis of Diagnostic Data
Application of the Hilbert-Huang Transform for Identification of Changes in Boundary Conditions of a Bridge Using Vibration Data due to Traffic
Estimating Vibration-Fatigue-Life on Experimentally Acquired Data
Damage Detection Using Cointegration Technique and Wavelet Analysis of the Post-Cointegrated Lamb Waves
Damage Detection Using Principal Component Analysis Based on Wavelet Ridges
Non-Linear Vibro-Acoustic Wave Modulations - Analysis of Different Types of Low-Frequency Excitation
Monitoring Dynamic Structural Tests Using Image Deblurring Techniques
Extension of Lamb Waves Defect Location Techniques to the Case of Low Power Excitation by Compressing Chirped Interrogating Pulses
Unscented Kalman Filter for Non-Linear Identification of a New Prototype of Bidirectional Tuned Vibration Absorber: A Numerical Investigation
Imaging and Characterizing Structural Defects through the Estimation of Local Dispersion Curves
Engine Assembly Quality Defect Inspection Based on EMD-Envelope Spectra
Real-Time Autonomous Structural Change Detection Onboard Wireless Sensor Platforms
Novel Approaches for Processing of Multi-Channels NDT Signals for Damage Detection in Conveyor Belts with Steel Cords
Use of LU Decomposition of Modal Flexibility in Structural Damage Detection: Numerical Validation
Chapter 7: Structural Health and Condition Monitoring
Real Human Hearing: Damage Detection and Monitoring of the Treatment Effectiveness
Ultrasonic Guided Wave Tomography for Damage Detection in Harsh Environment
Detection and Quantitative Assessment of Damages in Beam Structures Using Frequency and Stiffness Changes
Crack Location in Beams Using Wavelet Analysis
On the Use of Low and High Cycle Fatigue Damage Models
Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique for Detecting Transverse Cracks in Austenitic and Dissimilar Welds
On the Integration of Real-Time Diagnosis and Prognosis for Scheduled Maintenance Optimization
Smart Structural Health Monitoring Validated on a Simple Plate under Compressive Loading
Analytical Modelling of Bond Strength Degradation due to Reinforcement Corrosion
Investigation of Dynamic Response of a Railway Bridge Equipped with a Tailored SHM System
Influence of Physical Parameters and Operating Conditions for Structural Integrity of Mechanical System Subjected to Squeal Noise
Operational Deflection Shape for Crack Detection in Structures
Vibration-Based Structural Health Monitoring of a Simulated Beam with a Breathing Crack
Magnetic NDT and Computer Modeling of Steel Rope Deterioration in Suspended Bridges
Comparative Study of Robust Novelty Detection Techniques
Vibration Methods of Damage Detection in Initially Symmetric Structures
Anaerobic Corrosion of Reinforcement
Experimental Investigation on Improving Electromechanical Impedance Based Damage Detection by Temperature Compensation
Comparison of Full Field Strain Distributions to Predicted Strain Distributions from Limited Sets of Measured Data for SHM Applications
Uncertainty Modeling and Quantification for Structural Health Monitoring Features Derived from Frequency Response Estimation
Strength Assessment of Deteriorated OHL Conductors and Earth Wires Based on Non-Destructive Testing
Defect Detection Using Pulse Phase Thermography - Repeatability and Reliability of Data
Experimental Testing of a Cross-Entropy Algorithm to Detect Damage
RFID Based Sensing for Structural Health Monitoring
Energy Correlated Damage Indices in Fatigue Crack Extent Quantification
The Dynamic Behaviour of a Buried Water Pipe and its Effect on Leak Location Using Acoustic Methods
Wavespeed Measurement in Buried Water Distribution Pipes and its Significance in Leak Location
Assessment of Historic Structures Based on GPR, Ultrasound, and Impact-Echo Data Fusion
Structural Health Monitoring under Varying Environmental Conditions Using Wavelets
Damage Assessment in a Cracked Fiber-Reinforced Cantilever Beam Using Wavelet-Kurtosis Techniques
Modelling of Piezo-Bond Structure System for Structural Health Monitoring Using EMI Technique
Damage Detection of Shear Connectors Based on Power Spectral Density Transmissibility
Multi-Technique Approach for the Assessment of Historical Masonry Constructions
Application of Multiple Objective Particle Swarm Optimisation in the Design of Damaged Offshore Mooring Systems
A Compensation Method for Environmental Influences on Passive Lamb Wave Based Impact Evaluation for CFRP
Detection and Localisation of Structural Damage Based on the Polynomial Annihilation Edge Detection: An Experimental Verification