Bateman / Fonagy | Mentalization-based Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder | Buch | 978-0-19-857090-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 208 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 328 g

Bateman / Fonagy

Mentalization-based Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder

A Practical Guide
Erscheinungsjahr 2006
ISBN: 978-0-19-857090-5
Verlag: Oxford University Press

A Practical Guide

Buch, Englisch, 208 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 328 g

ISBN: 978-0-19-857090-5
Verlag: Oxford University Press

Mentalizing - the ability to understand oneself and others by inferring the mental states that lie behind overt behavior - develops during childhood within the context of a secure attachment relationship. It is crucial to self-regulation and constructive, intimate relationships. Failure to retain mentalizing, particularly in the midst of emotional interactions, is a core problem in borderline personality disorder and results in severe emotional fluctuations,

impulsivity, and vulnerability to interpersonal and social interactions.

Mentalization-based treatment for borderline personality disorder is a 'How to Do It' book outlining a clinically proven treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder. Containing illustrative clinical examples, it details precisely how to develop and implement treatment and is a companion to the highly successful book Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder - mentalization based treatment.

This practical guide explains how to treat borderline patients by helping them develop a more robust mentalizing capacity within the context of an attachment relationship. It provides the practitioner with everything they need to know about how to practise mentalizing treatment in day patient and out-patient settings. Enough theory is provided to orientate the clinician and there is step-by-step practical advice on the assessment of mentalizing and interpersonal relationships, how to structure

treatment, the use of basic mentalizing interventions and how to apply them, as well as information on what not to do. In addition, it includes a check list to be used in the assessment of mentalizing and a self-rating exercise for practitioners to evaluate their adherence to


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Prof. Anthony Bateman is Director of Psychotherapy Services and Research Lead for personality disorder at St Ann's Hospital, North London and Visiting Professor at University College, London. He is a visiting consultant to the Menninger Clinic, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston. He is Clinical Tutor in Haringey for Education, Chief Examiner of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and was formerly Chair of Psychotherapy Training Committee for the UK. His clinical and
research interest is in treatment of personality disorder. He was a member of the Department of Health expert committee on treatment of personality disorder and is an executive member British and Irish Group for Study of Personality Disorder. He has authored several books including Psychotherapy for
Borderline Personality Disorder: mentalization based treatment (with Peter Fonagy), numerous chapters, and many research articles on personality disorder and the use of psychotherapy in psychiatric practice.

Peter Fonagy, PhD FBA is Freud Memorial Professor of Psychoanalysis and Director of the Sub-Department of Clinical Health Psychology at University College London. He is Chief Executive at the Anna Freud Centre, London.
He is a clinical psychologist and a training and supervising analyst in the British Psycho-Analytical Society in child and adult analysis. His clinical interests centre around issues of borderline psychopathology, violence and early attachment relationships. His work attempts to integrate empirical research with psychoanalytic theory.
He holds a number of important positions, which include chairing the Research Committee of the International Psychoanalytic Association, and Fellowship of the British Academy. He has published over 200 chapters and articles and has authored or edited several books.

Prof. Anthony Bateman is Director of Psychotherapy Services and Research Lead for personality disorder at St Ann's Hospital, North London and Visiting Professor at University College, London. He is a visiting consultant to the Menninger Clinic, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston. He is Clinical Tutor in Haringey for Education, Chief Examiner of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and was formerly Chair of Psychotherapy Training Committee for the UK. His clinical and
research interest is in treatment of personality disorder. He was a member of the Department of Health expert committee on treatment of personality disorder and is an executive member British and Irish Group for Study of Personality Disorder. He has authored several books including Psychotherapy for
Borderline Personality Disorder: mentalization based treatment (with Peter Fonagy), numerous chapters, and many research articles on personality disorder and the use of psychotherapy in psychiatric practice.

Peter Fonagy, PhD FBA is Freud Memorial Professor of Psychoanalysis and Director of the Sub-Department of Clinical Health Psychology at University College London. He is Chief Executive at the Anna Freud Centre, London.
He is a clinical psychologist and a training and supervising analyst in the British Psycho-Analytical Society in child and adult analysis. His clinical interests centre around issues of borderline psychopathology, violence and early attachment relationships. His work attempts to integrate empirical research with psychoanalytic theory.
He holds a number of important positions, which include chairing the Research Committee of the International Psychoanalytic Association, and Fellowship of the British Academy. He has published over 200 chapters and articles and has authored or edited several books.

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