Bean | XML for Data Architects | Buch | 978-1-55860-907-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 270 Seiten, Format (B × H): 187 mm x 235 mm

Reihe: The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems


XML for Data Architects

Designing for Reuse and Integration
Erscheinungsjahr 2003
ISBN: 978-1-55860-907-5
Verlag: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers

Designing for Reuse and Integration

Buch, Englisch, 270 Seiten, Format (B × H): 187 mm x 235 mm

Reihe: The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems

ISBN: 978-1-55860-907-5
Verlag: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers

"The book addresses a sorely missing set of considerations in the real world. This is a very timely book."

-Peter Herzum, author of Business Component Factory and CEO of Herzum Software

XML is a tremendous enabler for platform agnostic data and metadata exchanges. However, there are no clear processes and techniques specifically focused on the engineering of XML structures to support reuse and integration simplicity, which are of particular importance in the age of application integration and Web services. This book describes the challenges of using XML in a manner that promotes simplification of integration, and a high degree of schema reuse. It also describes the syntactical capabilities of XML and XML Schemas, and the similarities (and in some cases limitations) of XML DTDs. This book presents combinations of architectural and design approaches to using XML as well as numerous syntactical and working examples.

* Designed to be read three different ways: skim the margin notes for quick information, or use tables in the appendix to locate sections relevant the to a particular issue, or read cover-to-cover for the in-depth treatment.

* Contains numerous tables that describe datatypes supported by the most common DBMSs and map to XML Schema supported data types.

* Unique focus on the value added role and processes of the data architect as they apply to enterprise use of XML.

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data architects, data base administrators, data modelers, etc; enterprise application integration implementers; web/e-commerce developers and architects


Weitere Infos & Material

Motivation and Rationale. XML Document Content Types. The Importance of Data Taxonomy Standards. Data Types - Aligning XML with the Database. Data Type Facets - Extended Data Type Characteristics. XML Models. Architectural Forms. Designing for Reuse. Document Size and Complexity. XML and Web Services, An Introduction to the Future.

Bean, James
James Bean is the President and CEO of the Relational Logistics Group. He is the author of the books: the "Sybase Client/Server EXplorer" © 1996 Coriolis Group Books and "XML Globalization and Best Practices" © 2001, and has written numerous magazine articles for technology journals. He is also the Chairman of the Global Web Architecture Group.

Bean, James
James Bean is the President and CEO of the Relational Logistics Group. He is the author of the books: the "Sybase Client/Server EXplorer" © 1996 Coriolis Group Books and "XML Globalization and Best Practices" © 2001, and has written numerous magazine articles for technology journals. He is also the Chairman of the Global Web Architecture Group.

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