Buch, Englisch, 130 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 295 g
Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice, Vol. 28
Buch, Englisch, 130 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 295 g
Reihe: Advances in Psychotherapy - Evidence-Based Practice
ISBN: 978-0-88937-338-9
Verlag: Hogrefe Publishing
As many as half of children and adolescents presenting for mental health services have language impairments, often undiagnosed. This book offers a clear and comprehensive description of language impairment emerging in childhood and its implications for clinical practice with children and adolescents. The book is filled with many clinical pearls and examples of the way language impairment impacts on the child's symptom picture and influences treatment. After discussing ICD-10 and the new DSM-5 criteria, it provides the reader with an easy-to-follow plan on how to conduct the assessment with the child and parents, and the steps to take in initiating treatment. Unique modifications to empirically validated treatments are recommended for language-impaired children with comorbid anxiety or disruptive behavior disorders. Anyone who works with children and adolescents will benefit from this book.
Clinical and child psychologists, child psychiatrists, counselors
Weitere Infos & Material
Table of Contents
1 Description
1.1 Terminology
1.1.1 Terms for Language Difficulties
1.1.2 Diagnostic Criteria for Language Disorders
1.1.3 Alternative Classification Frameworks for
Language Impairment
1.1.4 Speech Disorders
1.1.5 Historical Terms
1.2. Definition
1.2.1 Language Domains
1.2.2 Late Language Emergence
1.2.3 Diagnostic Criteria: Language Impairment /
Language Disorders
1.2.4 Expressive Language Impairment
1.2.5 Receptive Language Impairment
1.2.6 Definitional Issues
1.2.7 Stigma, Labeling, and Terminology
1.3 Epidemiology
1.3.1 Sex Ratio, Cultural and Socioeconomic
1.4 Course and Prognosis
1.4.1 Early Childhood: Late Language Emergence
1.4.2 Child and Adolescent Development
1.4.3 Adult Outcomes
1.5 Differential Diagnosis
1.5.1 Developmental Delay / Intellectual
Disabilities / Mental Retardation
1.5.2 Environmental Deprivation
1.5.3 Autism Spectrum Disorder / Pervasive
Developmental Disorders
1.5.4 Selective Mutism
1.6 Comorbidities
1.6.1 Phonological Disorder
1.6.2 Learning Disabilities
1.6.3 Anxiety Disorders
1.6.4 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
1.6.5 Conduct Disorders / Delinquency
1.6.6 Other Mental Health Concerns
1.7 Diagnostic and Procedures and Documentation
1.7.1 Language Screening
1.7.2 Language Assessment
1.7.3 Assessment Tools for Behavioral and
Emotional Concerns
2 Theories and Models of Language Disorders in Children
and Adolescents
2.1 Typical Language Development
2.1.1 Prenatal and Neonatal Development
2.1.2 Environmental Support for Language
2.1.3 Critical / Sensitive Periods
2.2. Language Impairment / Language Disorders
2.2.1 Genetics and Language Impairment
2.2.2 Information Processing and Working
Memory Limitations
2.2.3 Hearing Impairment and Otitis Media
2.2.4 Environmental Factors
2.3 Models Linking LI and Psychosocial Outcomes
2.3.1 Parent-–Child Relationship
2.3.2 Unrecognized Comprehension Problems
2.3.3 Self-Regulation
2.3.4 Social Problems
2.3.5 Academic Achievement Issues and
3 Diagnosis and Treatment Indications
3.1 Diagnostic Approach
3.2 Treatment Indications
3.2.1 Guidance
4 Treatment
4.1 Methods of Treatment
4.1.1 General Treatment Guidelines
4.1.2 Focus on Language]
4.1.3 Comorbid Language Disorders: Clarifying
the Issues
4.1.4 Organizing the Treatment
4.1.5 Core Therapeutic Approaches
4.1.6 Therapeutic Considerations for Adolescents
With LI
4.1.7 Social Skills Training Programs
4.2 Mechanisms of Action
4.2.1 Working With the Environment
4.2.2 Working With the Child
4.3 Efficacy and Prognosis
4.3.1 Anxiety Disorders
4.3.2 Disruptive Behavior Disorders: ADHD /
4.4 Variations and Combinations of Methods
4.4.1 Use of Medication
4.5 Problems in Carrying Out the Treatments
4.5.1 Working With Parents
4.5.2 Addressing Pragmatic Issues
4.5.3 Therapist–Child Relationship
4.5.4 Resistance
4.6 Multicultural, Gender, and Social Disadvantage Issues
4.6.1 Gender Issues
4.6.2 Bilingual and Multilingual Children
4.6.3 Social Disadvantage
5 Further Reading
6 References
7 Appendix: Tools and Resources