Best / Soulier | International Securities Law Handbook 3e Revised | Buch | 978-90-411-3234-5 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 2, 736 Seiten

Reihe: World Law Group Series

Best / Soulier

International Securities Law Handbook 3e Revised

3. Auflage 2010
ISBN: 978-90-411-3234-5
Verlag: Wolters Kluwer

Buch, Englisch, Band 2, 736 Seiten

Reihe: World Law Group Series

ISBN: 978-90-411-3234-5
Verlag: Wolters Kluwer

Since its first edition, the International Securities Law Handbook has answered the need for a user-friendly source of information covering the most significant jurisdictions. Now fully updated, this invaluable reference presents the key elements of securities law and regulations in 30 jurisdictions. Country chapters, each written by an expert in the particular country¿s securities law, appear alphabetically. Readers can also make easy comparisons between the treatment of particular issues by different jurisdictions. Among many others, issues and topics covered include the following:

description of the securities markets;
principal laws regulating the securities markets;
quasi-securities and derivatives;
exemptions available; and
special cases such as employee share schemes, rights issues, and takeovers

The Handbook is also an easily-accessible desk reference for lawyers, business executives and others concerned with multinational or cross-border transactions.

The World Law Group is a network of independent law firms located in most of the world's major commercial cities. Each World Law Group member firm has been selected for its excellent business reputation, its dept of commitment to international practice and its ability to assist other member firms in their national dealings. For more information, please visit
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Weitere Infos & Material

Foreword. Editors’ Preface. Editors’ Profiles. List of Contributors. Introduction. Argentina; Hernán Verly. Australia; Marcus Best. Austria; Martin Zuffer. Belgium; Carl Dotremont and Anne-Laure Velge. Brazil; Antonio Felix de Araujo Cintra and Crisleine Barboza Yamaji. Canada; Stephen Halperin, Caroline Wang and Meenu Khindri. Canada – Quebec; Neil Kravitz. China; Mingyuan Zhang. Denmark; Steen Jensen and Lisa Reinholt. Finland. Merja Kivelä, Janne Lauha and Juha Surve. France; Jean-Luc Soulier and Guillaume Pierson. Germany; Marc-Oliver Kurth and Oliver Rothley. Greece; Nikos Iliopoulos. Hong Kong; Sheldon Tse. India; Satwinder Singh, Rupa Radhakrishnan and Ranika Kapoor. Ireland; Claire Lord. Israel; Janet Levy-Pahima and Arnon Mainfeld. Japan; Noriyuki Katayama. Korea; Eui Jong Chung and Annie Eunah Lee. Malaysia; Michael H.K. Lim and Chen Lee Won. Mexico; Jorge Barrero Stahl and Alfonso Castro Díaz. The Netherlands; Bauke Falkena, Reinout Slot and Jelle Timmenga. Norway; Viggo Bang-Hansen and Thomas Aanmoen. The Philippines; Rafael A. Morales. Portugal; João Nuno P. Barrocas and Martim Krupenski. Scotland; Kenneth G. Chrystie. Singapore; Jacqueline Loke and Jacquelynne Baey. South Africa; Hendrik Bester, Mimmy Gondwe and Alexandra Von Koczian. Spain; Pedro Kirchner, Coro Fernández-Rañada and Ignacio Freire. Sweden; Anders Ackebo, Åke J. Fors and Anders Söderlind. Switzerland; Kaspar Landol and Stephan Werlen. Taiwan; Chun-Yih Cheng. Turkey; Hakki Gedik and Umut Gürgey. United Kingdom; Andrew G. Williamson and Christopher J.W. Stenning. United States of America; James E. Nicholson and Joshua L. Colburn.

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