Between the World and the Urban Classroom | Buch | 978-94-6351-030-1 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 121, 148 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 235 g

Reihe: Transgressions: Cultural Studies and Education

Between the World and the Urban Classroom

Erscheinungsjahr 2017
ISBN: 978-94-6351-030-1
Verlag: Brill Academic Publishers

Buch, Englisch, Band 121, 148 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 235 g

Reihe: Transgressions: Cultural Studies and Education

ISBN: 978-94-6351-030-1
Verlag: Brill Academic Publishers

Borrowing from the ideas of John Dewey, schools and classrooms are a reflection of the world; therefore, in order to make sense of the urban classroom, we need to make sense of the world. In this book, the editors have compiled a collection of nine critical essays, or chapters, each examining a particular contemporary national and/or international event. The essays each undertake an explicit approach to naming oppression and addressing it in the context of urban schooling. Each essay has a two-fold purpose. The first purpose is to help readers see the world unveiled, through a more critical lens, and to problematize long held beliefs about urban classrooms, with regard to race, gender, social class, equity, and access. Second, as each author draws parallels between an event and urban classrooms, a better understanding of the microstructures that exist in urban classrooms emerges.
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