Bhasin / Gupta | Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry | Buch | 978-81-312-2800-5 |

Buch, Englisch

Bhasin / Gupta

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-81-312-2800-5
Verlag: Elsevier India

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry has been written keeping in mind the severe need for a comprehensive text to meet the curriculum needs of the undergraduate pharmacy students. It not only provides all the curriculum topics to the students but also contains all the vital reactions/mechanisms that the students look for in an organic chemistry book.
- Entire subject matter has been written in a systematic and lucid style in simple language.

- All the basic concepts and fundamentals of organic chemistry have been explained with well-chosen examples.

- For better understanding of the subject matter, important points have been highlighted in the form of the textboxes titled as Remember, Learning Plus and Noteworthy Points, wherever required.

- Summary of the topics in the form of Memory Focus has been given at relevant places to help the students to revise the subject matter quickly.

- Stepwise mechanism of the reactions as per the syllabus has been illustrated, laying emphasis on the reactive intermediates involved.

- At the end of each chapter, Revision Questions including descriptive questions and short answer questions have been given for the students to practice.

Multiple Choice Questions with answers have been included at the end of each chapter.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1 Structure and Properties

Chapter 2 Nomenclature of Organic Compounds

Chapter 3 Stereochemistry

Chapter 4 Alkanes

Chapter 5 Alkenes

Chapter 6 Alkynes

Chapter 7 Cycloalkanes

Chapter 8 Dienes

Chapter 9 Benzene and Polynuclear Compounds

Chapter 10 Arenes

Chapter 11 Alkyl Halides

Chapter 12 Alcohols

Chapter 13 Phenols

Chapter 14 Ethers and Epoxides

Chapter 15 Amines

Chapter 16 Aldehydes and Ketones

Chapter 17 Carboxylic Acids

Chapter 18 Functional Derivatives of Carboxylic Acid

Chapter 19 Active Methylene Compounds

Chapter 20 Mechanism of Organic Reactions

Chapter 21 Electrocyclic and Sigmatropic Rearrangements

Chapter 22 Biomolecules


Bhasin, S.K.
He is the corresponding author.

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