Biomembrane Vesicles: Scientific, Clinical and Technological Considerations | Buch | 978-0-12-820968-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 190 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 430 g

Biomembrane Vesicles: Scientific, Clinical and Technological Considerations

Erscheinungsjahr 2020
ISBN: 978-0-12-820968-4
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 190 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 430 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-820968-4
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Biological Membrane Vesicles: Scientific, Biotechnological and Clinical Considerations, Part 1 Volume 32 in the Advances in Biomembranes and Lipid Self-Assembly series, highlights new advances in the field, with this release presenting chapters written by an international board of authors. Topics in this new release include Amyloid ?-peptide interaction with GM1 containing model membrane, The Human EV Membranome, Protocol for isolation of Microvesicles form blood plasma, Urinary Extracellular Vesicles: Single patient analysis for clinical applications, Treatment of chronic wounds with platelet and extracellular vesicles enriched plasma, Liposome loading and imaging, Standardization and reproducibility in EV research: the support of a Quality management system, and much more.
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Undergraduates, graduates, academics and researchers in the field of Advances in Biomembranes and Lipid Self-Assembly

Weitere Infos & Material

- Amyloid ?-peptide interaction with GM1 containing model membrane

Rita Carrotta, Fabio Librizzi, Maria Rosalia Mangione, Silvia Vilasi and Oscar Moran

- Propolis flavonoids and terpenes, and their interactions with model lipid membranes: a review

Luka Sturm and Natasa Poklar Ulrih

- The Human EV Membranome

Ana Paulina Ramos Juarez, Francesco Trepiccione, Giovambattista Capasso and Gabriella Pocsfalvi

- Post-translational lipidation in extracellular vesicles: chemical mechanisms, biological functions and applications

Sabrina Picciotto, Daniele P. Romancino, Valentina Buffa, Antonella Cusimano, Antonella Bongiovanni and Giorgia Adamo

- Pursuing mechanisms of extracellular vesicle formation. Effects of sample processing

Darja Bozic, Matej Hocevar, Veno Kononenko, Marko Jeran, Urska Stibler, Immacolata Fiume, Manca Pajnic, Ljubisa Paden, Ksenija Kogej, Damjana Drobne, Ales Iglic, Gabriella Pocsfalvi and Veronika Kralj-Iglic

- Multi-technique analysis of Extracellular Vesicles: not only size matters

Fabio Perissinotto, Beatrice Senigagliesi, Lisa Vaccari, Maria Pachetti, Francesco D'Amico, Heinz Amenitsch, Barbara Sartori, Karin Pachler, Margaret Mayr, Mario Gimona, Eva Rohde, Federica Caponnetto, Daniela Cesselli, Loredana Casalis and Pietro Parisse

Bongiovanni, Antonella
Antonella Bongiovanni is at National Research Council, Palermo, Italy

Manno, Mauro
Mauro Manno is at National Research Council, Palermo, Italy

Pocsfalvi, Gabriella
Gabriella Pocsfalvi is at National Research Council, Napoli, Italy

Kralj-Iglic, Veronika
Veronika Kralj-Iglic is at University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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