Blake / Eaves / Essick | The Illuminated Books of William Blake, Volume 3: The Early Illuminated Books | Buch | 978-0-691-00147-0 |

Buch, Englisch, Band Volume 3, 286 Seiten, Format (B × H): 229 mm x 305 mm, Gewicht: 1077 g

Reihe: Blake

Blake / Eaves / Essick

The Illuminated Books of William Blake, Volume 3: The Early Illuminated Books

The Illuminated Books of William Blake, Volume 3: The Early Illuminated Books

Buch, Englisch, Band Volume 3, 286 Seiten, Format (B × H): 229 mm x 305 mm, Gewicht: 1077 g

Reihe: Blake

ISBN: 978-0-691-00147-0
Verlag: Princeton University Press

The core of William Blake's vision, his greatness as one of the British Romantics, is most fully expressed in his Illuminated Books, masterworks of art and text intertwined and mutually enriching. Made possible by recent advances in printing and reproduction technology, the publication of new editions of Jerusalem and Songs of Innocence and of Experience in 1991 was a major publishing event. Now these two volumes are followed by The Early Illuminated Books and Milton, A Poem. The books in both volumes are reproduced from the best available copies of Blake's originals and in faithfulness and accuracy match the acclaimed standards set by Jerusalem and Songs. These two volumes are uniform in format and binding with the first two volumes.The Early Illuminated Books comprises All Religions Are One and There Is No Natural Religion; Thel; Marriage of Heaven and Hell; and Visions of the Daughters of Albion. Milton, A Poem, second only to Jerusalem in extent and ambition, is accompanied by Laocoön, The Ghost of Abel, and On Homer's Poetry.
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Weitere Infos & Material

PREFACE by David Bindman, General Editor 7 FOREWORD 8 INTRODUCTION 9 A NOTE ON TEXTS AND VARIANTS 16 CITATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 18 ALL RELIGIONS ARE ONE and THERE IS NO NATURAL RELIGION Introduction 21 Text and Reproduction 43 Supplementary Illustrations 68 THE BOOK OF THEL Introduction 71 Text and Reproduction 87 Supplementary Illustrations 102 Notes to Blake's Text 108 THE MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND HELL Introduction 113 Text and Reproduction 141 Supplementary Illustrations 194 Notes to Blake's Text 208 VISIONS OF THE DAUGHTERS OF ALBION Introduction 225 Text and Reproduction 243 Supplementary Illustrations 264 Notes to Blake's Text 275 WORKS CITED 279

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