Boele-Woelki / Ferrand / González Beilfuss | Principles of European Family Law | Buch | 978-1-78068-788-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 282 Seiten, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 480 g

Boele-Woelki / Ferrand / González Beilfuss

Principles of European Family Law

The Property, Maintenance and Succession Rights of Couples in de facto Unions
1. Auflage 2019
ISBN: 978-1-78068-788-9
Verlag: Intersentia Ltd

The Property, Maintenance and Succession Rights of Couples in de facto Unions

Buch, Englisch, 282 Seiten, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 480 g

ISBN: 978-1-78068-788-9
Verlag: Intersentia Ltd

A book series dedicated to the harmonisation and unification of family and succession law in Europe. The series includes comparative legal studies and materials as well as studies on the effects of international and European law making within the national legal systems in Europe. The books are published in English, French or German under the auspices of the Organising Committee of the Commission on European Family Law (CEFL).The Principles of European Family Law drafted by the CEFL are aimed at contributing to the harmonisation of family law in Europe. The first sets of Principles cover Divorce and Maintenance between Former Spouses, Parental Responsibilities and Property Relations between Spouses respectively. This book focuses on Principles Regarding Property, Maintenance and Succession Rights of Couples in de facto Unions. The CEFL has developed a comprehensive and original set of rules which may be a source of inspiration for legislating the rights and duties of couples who have not formalised their relationship. In their provisions on specific issues, the Principles opt for workable solutions which aim to avoid unnecessary hardship and disputes. The Principles should be used as a frame of reference by policy makers and legislators.
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Weitere Infos & Material

The Work of the Commission on European Family Law (p. 1) Introduction to the Principles Regarding Property, Maintenance and Succession Rights of Couples in de facto Unions (p. 7) Preamble (p. 51) Chapter I: Definitions and Scope of Application (p. 55) Chapter II: General Rights and Duties (p. 69) Chapter III: Agreements (p. 103) Chapter IV: Property and Debts (p. 113) Chapter V: Separation (p. 147) Chapter VI: Death (p. 195) Chapter VII: Disputes (p. 229) Principles of European Family Law Regarding Property, Maintenance and Succession Rights of Couples in de facto Unions (p. 241) Principes de droit europeen de la famille relatifs au patrimoine, a l'entretien et aux droits de succession des couples vivant en union de fait (p. 247) Prinzipien zum Europaeischen Familienrecht betreffend Vermoegen, Unterhalt und Erbrechte fuer Paare in faktischen Partnerschaften (p. 253) Beginselen van Europees Familierecht betreffende vermogen, alimentatie en erfrechten voor paren in de facto partnerschappen (p. 261) Principios de derecho de familia europeo relativos a la propiedad, los alimentos y los derechos de sucesion de parejas en una union de hecho (p. 267) Europeiska Familjeraettsprinciper roerande raettigheter till egendom, underhall samt arv i faktiska partnerskap mellan par (p. 275)

Boele-Woelki, Katharina
Katharina Boele-Woelki is Professor of Private International Law, Comparative Law and Family Law at Utrecht University, The Netherlands and Extraordinary Professor at the University of the Western Cape, South-Africa. Since 2001 she has been the chair of the Commission on European Family Law which was established upon her initiative.  She is president of the Dutch Association of Family Law, member of the board of the Dutch Association of Comparative Law, and member of several editorial boards of Dutch and European and South-African law journals. She is also a member of various associations, such as the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht as well as the Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Familienrecht. Since 2003 she has been one of the editors of the European Family Law Series. In 2007 she established the Utrecht Centre for European Research into Family Law (UCERF). She is a titular member of the International Academy of Comparative Law. She has organized prestigious international conferences, delivered numerous guest lectures at various universities around the world and has acted as a reporter, speaker, expert and panel member in many international conferences. In 2011 she has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Uppsala. In 2012 she has received the Anneliese Maier Forschungspreis of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (Germany) for her work in the field of international and European family law. In 2013 she has been elected member of the International Advisory Board of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung. In 2014 she had been elected President of the International Academy of Comparative Law. 

Since 2015 she is taking on a new position as president of the Bucerius Law School.

González Beilfuss, Cristina
Cristina Gozàlez Beilfuss has a law degree at the University of Barcelona (1989) and a PhD in law at the same university (1994). Since 1990 she is Professor at the University of Barcelona.
She was visiting Professor at the universities of Würzburg (Germany), Nijmega (Netherlands) and Recife (Brazil) as well as at the Academy of European Law (ERA); member of the Organising Committee of the Commission on European Family law; member of the Board Directors of the Spanish Association of professors of law international and international relations; and President of the Associació de estudis internacionals jurídics.

Ferrand, Frédérique
Frédérique Ferrand (LL.M, 1980; DU in German Law, 1980; DEA in Private Law, 1982; DEA in International and European studies, 1984) is Professor Private Law at the Jean Moulin University Law School (since 1991). She is member of the University Institute of France, Director of the international, European and comparative law team, Director of the Édouard Lambert Institute of Comparative Law and Director of the IDEA Institute (Institut de droit et d’économie des affaires) in Lyon.

In 1990 she obtained a doctoral degree at the Jean Moulin University Law School with the dissertation “Cassation française et Révision allemande”. 

She was research assistant at the Faculty of Law at the University of Augsburg (1981-1983) and assistant at the Faculty of Law at the Jean Moulin University Law School (1990-1991).

She was junior member of the IUF (1999-2004), is senior member of the IUF (since 2010) and honorary Professor at the University of Augsburg (since 2002).

Jänterä-Jareborg, Maarit
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Maarit Jänterä-Jareborg; LL.D. Uppsala University; Honorary doctorates from the universities of Oslo, Helsinki and Bergen; Member of the Curatorium of the Hague Academy of International Law; Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities; President of the Swedish Foundation on Humanities and Social Sciences (RJ); Member of the Organising Committee of the Commission on European Family Law; Legal consultant at the Swedish Government Offices; Söderberg Laureate in Jurisprudence 2013; Rudbeck’s Gold Medal 2011; Thuréus Laureate in Social Sciences 2010; Idman’s award 1997.

Martiny, Dieter
Dieter Martiny is emeritus Professor at Europa-Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder.
Dieter Martiny studied law in Heidelberg, Freiburg, Hamburg and Munich from 1963 to 1968. He passed the first and the second State Exam in Munich. After his PhD (1975) and habilitation (1995) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, he was a senior research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for foreign and international private law in Hamburg from 1974-1996. Besides that, he was a professor in Hamburg and Osnabrück.
Since 2009, he is a guest professor at the Max Planck Institute for foreign and international private law in Hamburg.

Lowe, Nigel
Nigel Lowe is Emeritus Professor ( LLB (Sheffield), LLD (Cardiff)). He is Barrister of the Inner Temple. Until his retirement in 2014, he was a Professor of Law at Cardiff Law School since 1991 and Head of School from 2010-2013. He is a expert on Family Law and a specialist in (International) Child Law.

He is a consultant to the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law and the Council of Europe. He is a member of the UK's International Family Law Committee and of the Executive Committee of the International Society of Family Law; member of the Organising Committee of the Commission on European Family Law; and an advisory board member of the US based International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children.
He is a Dartington Research Fellow and was a former Chairman of the Legal Group of the British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering.

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