Mauro Bonazzi, Ph.D. (2002) is professor of History of Ancient Philosophy at Utrecht University and Milan University. He has widely published on Plato and Platonism, including ‘Å la recherche des Idées. Platonisme et philosophie hellénistique d’Antiocus à Plotin’ (Vrin, 2015)
Angela Ulacco, Ph.D. (Pisa, 2010), is assistant professor for Greek Philosophy at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. She published studies on Plato’s Timaeus and its reception and on the Pseudo-Pythagorean texts, including ‘Pseudopythagorica dorica. I trattati di argomento metafisico, logico ed epistemologico attribuiti ad Archita e a Brotino. Introduzione, traduzione, commento’. Philosophie der Antike Bd. 41 (De Gruyter, 2017).
Filippo Forcignanò, Ph.D. (Torino, 2012) is researcher in History of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Milan. He published studies on Pre-Socratic philosophy, Plato (in particular metaphysics and epistemology) and on the debate on the Theory of Forms in the Old Academy, including Forme, linguaggio, sostanze. Il dibattito sulle idee nell’Academia Antica (Mimesis, 2017).