Boniwell / Ryan | Personal Well-Being Lessons for Secondary Schools | Buch | 978-0-335-24617-5 |

Buch, Englisch

Boniwell / Ryan

Personal Well-Being Lessons for Secondary Schools

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-24617-5
Verlag: Open University Press

"Boniwell and Ryan provide an excellent synopsis of the current state of wellbeing literature focusing on evidence-based studies and how these link into contemporary public policy. This underpins the work that Boniwell and Ryan have done to ensure that the 'hands-on' methodology outlined throughout the text is underscored by science that highlights the importance of each exercise. Students are encouraged by this design to take a long term view of their development.Boniwell and Ryan's text is a significant contribution to the growing area of Wellbeing and Positive Education literature. Its teacher friendly format and engaging exercises will stimulate many classroom discussions."
Dr Mathew A White, Director, Wellbeing & Positive Education, St Peter's College, Australia and Fellow, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne, Australia "This book is a much welcomed addition to the field of student well-being. The authors have captured the science and practice of positive psychology and have brought together an array of evidence-based practices and exercises that will allow teachers to explicitly incorporate well-being into their curriculum and pastoral care. The 6 areas of well-being are scientifically validated and the book provides excellent resources and teaching tips. The comprehensive list of classroom activities will positively impact upon the well-being of secondary students. This book is an asset to any teacher who believes in 'whole-student' learning."
Lea Waters, Associate Professor, University of Melbourne, Australia "This book does exactly as promised by the title. Providing practical, exciting, creative, and stimulating lesson plans for students, on the subject of well-being and, indeed, life skills, informed by the best available evidence from Positive Psychology. The lessons are comprehensive, excellently presented for teachers, all supported by clear explanations of the research evidence and concepts, and have the benefit of active student engagement and participation. This book provides a flexible and accessible source book of wonderful ideas and activities. Given the importance of student well-being, and their emotional, social and personal development, as well as their basic happiness, this book would be valuable for every Secondary School and Academy."
Professor Irvine S. Gersch, University of East London, UK "Ilona Boniwell and Lucy Ryan’s book is exactly what teachers require. "It fits with the teachers' needs in terms of how and what to teach when positive education is a concern.The different aspects of their program are detailed in 36 lessons, with theoretical background and practical tips, the "Lesson Plan" and "How to" parts, which are very useful. This structure is very convenient. This is not only a book but also a very interesting tool designed for each teacher in charge of pupils aged from 11 to 14."
Dr Charles Martin-Krumm, University Western Brittany, France "A very useful compendium of PSHE-type activities"
Guy Claxton, University of Winchester, UK This book offers practitioners working with 11 to 14 year olds a highly practical education resource for running personal well-being lessons, backed up by scientific research from the field of positive psychology.The book is divided into six subject headings, with six lessons offered per subject area. This will allow you to run a programme with between 6 to 36 lessons. The six core concepts within positive psychology for youngpeople are: Positive Self, Positive Body, Positive Emotions, Positive Mindsets, Positive Direction and Positive Relationships. The authorsensure that the lessons are easy to understand, to lead and to manage by ensuring each lesson contains: - A suggested 60 minute outline lesson plan - The main body or the 'how-to' of running the lesson - Suggested homework where appropriate - Academic references and resourcesThis is a must-have resource for PSHE teachers, SEAL co-ordinators, educational psychologists and youth and community workers looking to deliver a personal well-being curriculum.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part I Positive Self
Happy Talk
Me, Inc.
My Strengths Portfolio
Confident You
My Best Possible Self
The Strengths Songbook
Part II Positive Body
Image Matters
Supersize Me!
The Nutrition Quiz
Mindfulness for Life
Go to Bed, Sleepyhead!
The Power of Exercise
Surprising, Spontaneous Savouring!
Mental Time Travelling
Part III Positive Emotions
Understanding Emotions
The Negativity Bias
Boost your Positive Emotions!
Just for Fun
Surprising, Spontaenous Savouring!
Mental Time Travelling
Part IV Positive Mindset
Fixed or Flexible?
Creative Problem Solving
Money, Money, Money
The Tyranny of Choice
Think Yourself Happier
Part V Positive Direction
Egg Yourself On
Nail, Nag, Nudge
The Flow Zone Lesson
Big Hairy Goals
Five Little Pigs
The Balancing Act
Part VI Positive Relationships
Tonic or Toxic?
Listening and Empathy
Sweet Trading
Kindness and Gratitude
Happiness across Cultures

Ilona Boniwell is Principal Lecturer in Positive Psychology at the University of East London, UK and the Programme Leader for the first Masters Degree in Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) in Europe.

Lucy Ryan is a leading Trainer and Coach, specialising in the application of positive psychology for schools and organisations. She is also Senior Honorary Lecturer at the University of East London, UK.

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