Booth | Anti Money Laundering Guide | Loseblattwerk |

Loseblattwerk, Englisch, with CD-ROM


Anti Money Laundering Guide

Erscheinungsjahr 1999
ISBN: 978-0-421-77700-2
Verlag: Sweet & Maxwell

Loseblattwerk, Englisch, with CD-ROM

ISBN: 978-0-421-77700-2
Verlag: Sweet & Maxwell

The Anti Money Laundering Guide is a comprehensive and practical service which reflects the latest position on the law and practice in the UK on the prevention of money laundering. It also provides the latest available information and guidance on how mone
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Weitere Infos & Material

What is money laundering? Control of money laundering in the UK: UK law and practice. Prevention, due diligence and know your customer. Compliance. Reporting suspicions and whistle-blowing. Conducting and responding to investigations. Prosecuting financial crimes. International mutual assistance. Civil law liability. The international element: International and regional initiatives. General characteristics of offshore jurisdictions. Profiles for 57 countries and regions. Each country profile tackles the following: Background to the control of money laundering. General provisions. Specific offences of laundering. Reporting and compliance obligations. Related legislation. Provisions for confiscation and forfeiture of assets.

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